{26} The storm starts rolling in

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It's been about a week since I had probably the most heartwarming moment with Grayson. The days following consisted of work on my own and us meeting up for work and stealing a couple of minutes of kissing after. But I finally built up the courage to go confront probably one of the bigger things nagging at me lately.

"Dad." I feel like a little kid coming to tell a parent I just threw up all over my bed. Im just standing here at the other end of my dad's office desk as his back is to me grabbing a book off the shelve. He turns around at my voice and he looks glad to see me.

Not for long.

"Sweetheart, I thought you forgot about us when you moved out." I nod and give him a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah uhm, can we talk..." His mood changes. "Well don't tell me your pregnant!" I furrow my brows. "What? No!" He lets out a dramatic sigh of relief and sits down at his desk. I take a seat across from him.

"Has Jessica told you anything?" I get a stare. "No. Evelyn you're making me worried." I clear my throat. "I know you never wanted this or saw it coming and trust me neither did I. It just- It happened so fast and," I go quiet, look up from the floor, and meet the eyes of the second man who made me who I am today. Maybe not cold but definitely frostbitten.

"Im dating Grayson." I don't think I've heard such a loud deafening silence like this before. It gives me an eerie feeling. I don't know if I'm allowed to move or if I should be running. I'm just sitting here in a somewhat staring contest with my dad. It's like he's scolding me with his look.

"...Evelyn." I hold my breath, preparing for probably hurting words. "No. No, you're going to break up with him. Im not letting this happen." He rises from his seat, and I follow. "Dad you don't get it!" He shakes his head and looks anywhere but at me. "Jesus Christ Evelyn what are you thinking!"

I hug my body to create comfort but gain nothing from it. "He's going to sleep with you and pull the rug out from under you! He will swoon you into signing off all your power. How naive really are you Evelyn!" His words are like a stake to the heart.

"Im not naive..." I whisper holding back tears. When he notices he shakes his head and starts laughing. "Look what he's done to you! What happened to my strong-headed daughter." I shake my head. "You mean what happened to your cold soldier? I'm not that dad! I'm not some soldier on standby for you that you have easier access to because she's your daughter. Im human!"

"Well, you are is stupidly useless like this." The door to his office flies open and from the sound of the heels and the "Diego!" I know it's my mom but Im too busy staring at my dad with tears threatening to cascade down my face.

"Don't be so cruel. If anything happens it will be a lesson to her there's no need to scold her like she's a child." My mom walks to my dad's side and takes his face in her hands. He looks at me. "I've comforted you in all your pains as much as you consider me colder than before. But when you and that boy fall apart don't even come to this house all mopey. I don't want it."

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