{13} Turn of events

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Whatever came upon me in that car yesterday, as much as I want to say that wasn't me.

I can't.

Now I'm in my office, staring at my work on my desk, but focused only on what I did with Grayson. Holy shit, I came undone in his lap. Oh god, Jessica can't know about this. She'd kill me.

"You!" My office door swings open and I lift my head from my papers. "I should kill you But luckily Grayson cares about you." Adrien is in my office and I'm highly confused. He's the last person I expected to walk into my office today. "Excuse me?"

"I know I have no place to be in yall's business," Adrien calms his town slightly and takes a step forward. "But I love my brother and what you did yesterday is fucked up." My cheeks turn into a furnace at the note that he for sure knows what happened in Grayson's car.

"And before you say anything I know it was consensual from both sides but," Adrien sighs and shakes his head at me. Almost as if disappointed in me. I've seen that look to me way too many times from different faces. Even if it is common, it hurts when I see it again.

"The fact that you pulled that on Grayson and didn't even bother to kiss him..." He looks at me disgusted. I feel a sting behind my eyes, but I fight it. "I hate to see the same story unfolding." I furrow my eyebrows at his words. "What are you talking about?"

Adrien scoffs and he gives me a short glance before looking down at his feet. "Grayson and Jessica." A rage at that situation being used to compare me is immediately released into my body and I bolt up from my chair. "Get out." My voice is cold and I'm certain my eyes are the same as I stare at Adrien.

"All I'm saying is watch the way you are with Grayson. As tough as he looks his heart is fragile and all it takes is him getting manipulated again." Adrien tucks his hands into the pockets of his blazer and leaves my office.

What the fuck.


I was too enraged after the short talk with Adrien that I was now speed-walking past the secretary of the Valor company building and made my way up to Grayson's office. When I reach his office I swing the door open. "What the fuck Grayson!"

I freeze the moment I see two pairs of eyes staring at me. Not only was Grayson's confused yet shocked eyes looking at me but so were Rose's.


"How the fuck did you get past the secretary?" Rose rises from her chair and looks at me in a bitchy way. "Evelyn. What's wrong?" Grayson rises from his chair and looks at me confused. "My problem is that you had your brother come to my office and compare me to Jessica." My voice is at a moderate volume but it's still in a low angry tone.

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