{7} Eye contact

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I and Grayson sat in an awkward silence through the half-hour drive to the venue of the ball. "Grayson...." I break the silence with a soft call of his name. He turns to look at me and I take the sign to talk. "I'm uh- I'm sorry for um- for earlier." He sighs and looks back at the road.

"Let's just- let's not talk about that ever again." And then we fall into silence for another 10 minutes before we arrive at the destination. We pull up to a large mansion with a line of cars lining up to what I can assume is a valet station.

When we reach the car Valet, Grayson steps out of the car and walks around to my side, opening the door for me. He holds his hand out and I take it. I step out of the car and brush down my dress. "Take care of my car. You ruin it, I ruin you." Grayson hands the keys over to the now-shaken valet and he begins walking toward the entrance.

The doors were wide open, allowing you in and out whenever you pleased. We're about to step in but some guy with a mask stops us. "You have to grab a mask before you enter." He nods to the glass shelf with multiple masks of different variations.

This is a masquerade party, nice.

"Fine," Grayson says and I follow him as he walks to the display and looks at the masks, deciding which one to take. He takes a silver mask with swirl designs on it. Before I can even try to look for one myself he hands me one.

The mask he hands me matches his. The only difference is mine shows more as it has hollow designs and it has small gems adorning it. "I can tie it for you." I turn and he ties it. Once I turn I look at him already wearing his. Not to be a bragger or anything but we looked hot.

We could basically end everyone here with one look. I felt a weird sense of power as we walked into the mansion. Girls wearing very revealing dresses glanced at Grayson, batting their eyelashes. Too bad for them because we kept walking.

"Ok, well so much for simply finding Wren and getting this over with." Grayson groans in frustration when we walk up to the bar. "What if we just split up and converse around? Y'know, to find him." I turn to face him and he looks down at me. "We're bound to find him if we just hop around conversations." He nods and turns to the bartender.

"Get the lady a whiskey, on the rocks." I slightly scoff as he remembers me drinking whiskey from yesterday. Music starts playing loudly and Grayson places a hand on my shoulder and leans down to my ear.

"I'm going to start from the far end near the lounging area. You start here at the bar." His voice changes to a more serious tone with the last sentence he says before walking away. "Don't get yourself into any trouble." and he's off. He walks away and I turn to grab my drink.

I let the cold liquid run down my dry throat. The whiskey calms my nerves about being around so many people at once. The last time I was around so many people I found myself talking to the wrong people. People who look for a naive girl to try and drag to a dark corner and undress.

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