{28} Something born in the dark...

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Grayson clung to my side the rest of the day after the dressing room incident. He was nice enough to say we could talk about it whenever I was ready. Im not sure if that day will ever come but I'm glad I can let it go. For now.

"Welcome!" A guy takes Grayson's keys as we pull up to the mansion where the masquerade is being held. He does barely anything to greet him back as he hands him the keys and takes my hand in his. I readjust the black mask on my face and look up the matching guy mask Grayson is wearing. "You feeling better?" He whispers as we walk in. 

"Better." His lips meet the side of my head for seconds, we keep walking, and when he finally breaks the comforting kiss we halt in front of a man. "Valor!... Cruz?" Wren. "Are you two?" He lifts a brow and points his finger in between us. "Wren, this is my girlfriend, Evelyn, and this is my business partner, Ms. Cruz."


"Well.." Wren looks at me, his knowing look puts me off a little. "Congratulations you two," When a passing waiter with a tray of champagne comes towards us Wren takes three glasses and hands one to me and Grayson. "To..." He looks between the two of us once more. "Hope for the future." We all cheers are glasses to a clink and then Wren pats Grayson before walking away.

"Grayson about earlier-" I turn to face Grayson but a man passing by bumps into my shoulder and Grayson's arm wraps around my waist as trip into him. "Dude what the hell!" Grayson grabs the guy and he looks up from his phone. "Oh god, I'm so sorry please forgive me I was preoccupied with my phone," the guy rants stuffing his phone into his pocket. "Just, watch where you're walking next time man." The guy nods before running off. 

He seemed young but I can't help but notice when he look back at us, pulls his phone out, and slips a picture of us. "He just-" Grayson pulls me closer. "What about earlier?" The conversation swerves back onto its path. It takes me seconds to sync my mind to the right route. 

"What happened earlier was a nightmare or more like a daymare but," I swallow. "Look something happened to me when I was younger and I swore it had been put to rest but I guess not." When my eyes meet Grayson it's like he already knows. "You did nothing wrong trust me. You've been so careful and loving with me I have no clue why that happened," I shake my head taking his face in my hands. His saddened face. "Someone's past can never truly be put to rest. We just put it on hold and hope the line we're on never ends so we don't end up back on the other line."  I smile tight-lipped. "I know that now." 

Moments pass, and now I'm thinking... is this the time? Do I tell him what happened? How it happened? Who made it happen? Do it tell the love of my life that this person I ended up killing in cold blood? How do I tell him that somehow that person didn't truly die? And how the fuck do I tell him it's his best friend? 


"Hi, Im Martin J." Some random guy who looks like he means business walks up to us and we have to put our outside lives on hold. "Grayson Valor, I'm afraid I haven't heard the name, forgive me." The guy smiles and shakes Grayson's hand. "That's alright, I'm getting up there though, I hope one day my name might be mentioned alongside yours." He looks over at me and holds out a hand. "Or yours," 

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