{31} Run.

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TW: mention of SA


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I've been a mess all day. Now I'm an even bigger mess hearing Adrien yell at me to slow the car down. I check back into reality and hit the break. Adrien plants his hands on the dashboard before turning around to check on Kathelyn and Rose in the backseat. "Dude,"

"Don't even tell me to calm down or I swear I'll throw you out right here," I breathe out as calmly as I can. Adrien goes quiet. "Just driver safer please..." He sits back in his seat before opening his phone. "How did you know she was gone?" I ask finally letting myself admit Evelyn's gone. 

Kathelyn clears her throat. "I went to her office to look for her, they told me she had just left the building. I got worried not seeing her drive out when we came in so Adrien and I looked for her car. When we found her car, it was still parked with her belongings on the floor and the door wide open." My grip on the steering wheel tightens.

"This is all my fault..." I release a hand from the wheel and run it through my hair. "Goddamint it's all my fucking fault," I whisper under my breath. If I hadn't been so stupid Evelyn would've been on the passenger's side right now, probably clinging to me like she had grown to do the nights before I let her go. 

Before I told her to go. 

While at a red light, I pull my phone out at the rining of it. "Hello?" I breathe out. "Yes, Mr. Valor, I just wanted to inform you that a sale just went through. I saw that you had signed off on it but then I was sort of baffled by it since you haven't been in the office for a couple of days, making the signing hard to be true." I furrow my brows at the words of my assistant, Michell. 

"What's the sale?" Michell hums as he skims the document for an answer. "It seems you've just bought off the rest of the percentage of the land you and Miss Cruz had invested in. You basically bought her half of it. Leaving her with nothing." 

"Michell, I never signed those." The light turns green and I press on the gas, the car engine growls into the mid-day sunset. "I figured sir. Also, I may have no business in this but I heard from the secretary of your father that they had overheard a meeting with the Jones family. Apparently, they were discussing the possibility of bribing- even blackmailing Mr. Cruz into handing over the Cruz company, along with Miss Cruz's position."

"...My dad was talking to the Jones family?" My blood starts boiling. What the hell is he up to and why has it miraculously happened when the only threat to my girlfriend being gone is Trevor Jones? "Thank you, Michell." I hang up the phone and disassociate again. I just drive. 

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