I'll Take Care of You [INSERT YOUR MUSE]

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written so the reader can input their own muse.. no physical descriptions or names used.  completely SFW. full of fluff.

Walking into your room I  can see with ease that you're still not feeling great; it's why I came  home early as a surprise

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Walking into your room I can see with ease that you're still not feeling great; it's why I came home early as a surprise. I see you shuffle and roll over wrapped up in your duvet and a couple of blankets, I hear you sigh softly as you try and get comfortable and then follow it with an angry huff when it doesn't happen. You haven't opened your eyes, so you don't know I'm back yet.

"Babe?" I speak softly and crouch beside your bed offering a soft smile for when you open your eyes.

You startle a little and blink your eyes open, an adorable frown follows as you try and figure out if you're hallucinating.

"I'm here." I nod and produce a bouquet of your favourite flowers; this time I remembered that real flowers make you sneeze horrifically so these are silk and will last forever.

"Babe?" your voice is croaky and quiet and you're trying to fight your way out the duvet.

"Stay wrapped up darling, I'm not going anywhere." I reassure you and stroke back your hair.

"I want a hug.... I want lots of hugs and snuggles and a hot chocolate and I can't believe you're here...." I put the flowers down and sit on the bed, pulling you into my arms and holding you close.

You sob quietly against me so I stroke your hair lightly and comfortingly hush you, reassuring you I'm staying until you're feeling better.

"Hugs and snuggles I can do, hot chocolate I can do. What else would you like? Anything at all and it's yours." it's the truth, if you want the moon then I'll find a way to bring it to you.

I can feel you nuzzle me lightly; you're thinking. You go so quiet when you're thinking and I can picture the cute face you're making without even looking at you.

"A bubble bath?" you mumble.

"For sure sweetheart." I nod "You stay here and I'll go get it all running, Okay?"

You nod against me and shiver slightly; I squeeze you gently and kiss your hair. "I'll be right back."

Begrudgingly, you let go of me and offer a tired smile. The week of finals, the prolonged flu with all the associated side effects of various over the counter medications, the stress of things going on home and the worry of said finals results; it had all got too much and the flu that had finally left you had returned and knocked you flat.

We'd had our first little tiff the night before I left; I had wanted to stay and take care of you, I was sure I could figure out a way to work from home or rearrange things. You had insisted that I go and "do my stuff", that you would be absolutely fine and that you'd look after yourself. I had sighed and nodded and had promised to call every night even if it was just to wish you sweet dreams - every night I had heard you getting worse, more tired, more stuffy, more headachey. I had asked if you wanted me to come home and you had again insisted you would be fine. That was two nights ago and last night you didn't answer your phone, I had figured you were sleeping but I was so worried that I got the first flight back; I had done "all my stuff" anyway, I wasn't actually needed right now.

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