Part 28

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Y/n pov:

I have been put on bed rest and was forbidden to leave with the others towards the gates of Mordor.

Legolas had told me he could stay and even though I hesitated, I told him to go.

I had greeted Boromir who we met up with after the huge battle. He was very happy to hear the news I was with child and also introduced me to Faramir, his brother.

The door opened and Legolas stood there, his quiver was filled to the brim with arrows and his silver swords where tied around his waist.

"Your leaving I suppose?" I asked and he nodded. "I'll see you after this, when we won. Then our child can be born in peace and we can all be a happy family." He assured me and I smiled at him.

"That's all I ever want." I told him and he came over and kissed my forehead. "Take care, Meleth nîn." I said and he smiled at me.

"I will, Ithil, don't worry about me, alright?" He said and I grinned brightly. He caught my lips and I put my hands behind his neck, pulling him closer.

When we broke apart, he put his forehead against mine. "I love you." He whispered and I kissed his nose. "I love you more." I whisper back.

He said goodbye and I was alone again. I heard the big group of people outside leave and wished I could have come with them.

I let out a sigh and decided to get some sleep and ignore the worry I felt. I fell asleep, knowing it was going to take days until I saw my friends and husband again.


I woke up and for a moment I though indeed myself. Then I realised, I stood up and felt pain in my stomach. "Help!" I yelled opening the door and looked around.

"Help, someone!" I cried out and a few a door opened. "Miss, What's happening?" A servant who came running out asked. "The baby, it's coming, right now." I felt tears starting to form into my eyes at the intens hurt.

She gasped and helped me walk. She stormed into the nursing room and Alya looked up at once. "What's the matter?" She asked getting up from her chair.

She glanced at me and didn't need to be told. "Oh Valar, lay her down." She told the servant.

I laid on the bed and I was surrounded by three healers. "Alright, breath in... and... push!" Alya told me and I did as she said, crying in pain but trying to ignore it, wanting to get it over with.

It was a long proces, on of 17 hours to be exact, the baby was born. Alya handed it to me, wrapped in silks and sleeping peacefully.

I was kind of jealous they where sleeping and I wasn't, but sleep could come later. "What is it?" I asked and she smiled.

"He's a boy."

I smiled brightly and needed at my son. "I can't wait for Legolas to come back, just got to wait two more days, little one." I told him and then yawned.

"Come, I'll take him, you need to sleep." Alya told me and I nodded, giving her my son and laying down, falling asleep the moment I hit my pillow.

When I woke up, I saw that it was light outside, meaning I had slept trough the night and had to wait one more day for Legolas to come back.

I got out of bed, quite a bit clumsy and looked around. I saw a crib at the foot of my bed and walked towards it. I smiled at the sight of the little boy that I could call my son.

"I'm going to give you the world." I whispered, picking him up. I kissed his head and when I looked at him, his eyes cracked open.

He stared at me with bright blue eyes, the exact same ones as his father. I grinned, he's going to love this.

My grin quickly fell when this beautiful eyes, filled up with tears and he started to cry loudly. "No, shh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said looking around frantically.

Alya burst into the room and laughed at my panicked expression. "Don't worry, he's just hungry." She said.

"Oh, right of course, what does he eat?" Diana asked and Alya looked surprised and I quickly realised. "Oh right, I fogot. Sorry, I'm a new mother and I just woke up." I sat on the bed and with a bit of help from Alya, I was quickly feeding my child.

When he was done, I put him back in his crib and tears weld into my eyes. "Lady Y/n, are you alright?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine, I'm just really happy." I smiled and she smiled back at me. "Have you told Eowyn?" I asked trough my tears.

"No, I supposed you would want to do it." She said and I nodded. "I'll go find her, can you watch him for me?" I asked and she nodded. "Of course, I will see you later."

I left the room and headed towards Eowyn chambers. When I knocked on the door, I heard a "come in." And opened it.

Eowyn was reading and when she saw me she smiled. "Y/n, what are you doing out of bed? I was tempted about coming to see you today." She told me and I shrugged and smiled.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come and see my son." I said and she gasped. "You- when- yes! Yes I want to come and see your son." She said excited and I giggled.

I took her to the healing chambers and she practically melted at the sight of him. "What's his name?" She asked and I bit my lip.

"Legolas and me decided that if he would be a boy, his name would be Legolin." I revealed and she squealed.

"It's amazing," she looked at the boy, fast asleep. "Hi, Legolin." She said brightly and Diana looked at Alya who was chuckling.

"Valar, I can't wait for Legolas to return..."

1030 words.

Update! Finally, I will finish this story in the next chapter, all the readers of this book deserve that because of my long absence.

I love all of you, and I would like to thank Nightwhisper001

They came with the name, Legolin.

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