Part 12

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I have nothin to say, so just have fun reading.

Frodo cries out as Aragorn and Boromir immediately dart forward to safe him. Aragorn severs the tentacles holding Frodo and Boromir hacks at the other limbs.

You are shooting arrows when suddenly about 20 more tentacles appear out of the water and the water starts to boil when suddenly the creature appears.

You gasp and then the beast grabs Frodo again pulling him into the lake. You put away your bow and start to hack away at the tentacles when you suddenly hear Gandalf yell.

"Into the mines!" You turn around and make a run for it. "Legolas!" You hear Boromir yell and when you look behind you, you see Legolas shoot an arrow at the creatures head. This Gaines a few seconds for Boromir and Aragorn to race towards the cave with Frodo.

When everyone is in the cave the creatures rips the door away and a rock slide barricades the door.

No one is able to leave now....

Gandalf shines light from his staff "we now have no choice... we must face the long dark Moriah. Be on your guard... there are older and fouler things than the orca in the deep places of the world." He says.

The groups has been walking for about an hour. Aragorn and Boromir are casually chatting when suddenly you fall down and land right in front of them.

"Fuck, these ceilings are slippery..." you mumble. "I'm sorry, what?" Boromir asks confused. "Y/n this is a cave, don't expect you can climb the ceilings here" Aragorn says a bit amused.

At that moment the hobbits and Boromir are all very confused. "Ah yes, I heard the famous story's of Y/n the ceiling crawling princess" Gimli says and you chuckle. "Let me guess, Fili and Kili told you those?" You ask. They always have you that nickname when you came to visit them. It one day started and just never wore off.

Then you hear a sight "we should all move on" it was Gandalf, probably just wanting to get out.

After walking for about three and a half days, the fellowship arrives at a path that splits into three passages. "I have no memory of this place" Gandalf says growing and you sight and sit down. "Then I suggest a small break." The others seem to agree as they all sit down.

While everyone was resting their feet you where filling the water skins as most of them where empty. As you where filling the last one you start to hand them out. As you arrive at Legolas you pause for a moment and then hand him his skin. "Thanks" he said in a whisper and mutter a small "no problem" back.

You sat back down, after about 3 minutes you started to have intense belly cramps. 'Great' you thought to yourself, this most of the time meant you would start your period the next day or maybe the day after that. You where already two weeks late so it would probably start soon.

At that moment Gandalf sat down next to you. "Are you okay" he asked you. "I am, just an intense stomach age, but I'll survive" you said with a smal smile. "Are you able to walk, I have found the way" you nodded and stood up.

"Its this way" Gandalf says as he points to a tunnel. "He's remembered!" Merry says exited. "No, but the air doesn't smell so fail here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose" he says chuckling at his own joke as you playfully roll your eyes.

The fellowship walk into a black, empty space. "Let me risk a little more light" Gandalf taps his staff on the floor and his staff starts too give off more light. "Behold! The great realm and dwarf city of dwarrodwelf!" Gandalf says.

As you look above you it's beautiful and you are barely able to keep your eyes off. "Well there's an eye opener and no mistake!" You hear Sam say.

You only look back down again as you hear Gandalfs raised voice "Gimli!" You see Gimli running up to a chamber, you run after him and the rest follows.

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu