Part 2

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It is the next day. I am walking around in the village with Alshifa by the reins, just easy no saddle, just walking around a bit. Then I see Frodo and... someone with a pointy hat, someone I know very well. "Gandalf!" I say and I get om Alshifa and walk towards them. He smiles at me "Y/N, it has been long." I smile and walk next to them "it indeed has, I guess you are here for Bilbo's birthday." Then Frodo speaks "he definitely is, he has amazing fireworks for the party." I smile "I remember those fireworks, it has been long since I've seen them, though i do not remember the last time. Probably my wedding day." I walk a bit with them but then leave again.

I find a tree to sit. Alshifa stands next to me and I give her the apple I bought. "You know, I have a bad feeling about the days that are coming, I do not know why. Something is going to happen." Alshifa pushes me softly with her nose and blows warm air from her nose in my face. "You are right, I am over thinking."

It is night and the party is going. Everyone is dancing an laughing. Gandalf makes fireworks and I sit next to Samwise also known as Sam. Frodo introduced me to him, he is a nice Hobbit with a love for plants and food. He is staring at a girl, she is dancing and I grin at him "do you like her?" I looks up and goes red "u-uh what do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about." I chuckle "whatever you say, Sam. I see right trough you. You should ask her to dance with you." Before he can answer Frodo sits next to us "yes, go on, Sam, ask Rosie for a dance." Sam looks at him with scared eyes "I think I"ll just have myself another ale." He says and he reaches out for some ale. "Oh, no you don't. Go on" Frodo says and he snatches the ale from Sams hands and he pushes him towards the dancers right in Rosie's arms.

Frodo then proceeds to finish Sams beer and I laugh. He hands me some to "do you want some?" I smile and kindly push it away. "No thank you, I don't drink beer, I don't rally like it." I say and he nods. I then walk over to Bilbo who is telling stories to children.

I sit next to him and listen to the story, it appears he is telling about the trolls. I chuckle, that was a little something. "So, there I the mercy of three monstrous trolls...Have you ever heard of a troll? Do you know what a Troll is? Great big nasty twenty foot high smell things..and they're arguing...arguing about how they were going to cook us!" I watch how the eyes of the kids grow larger and larger. "Whether it be turned on a spit or minced in a pie or whether they were going to sit on us one by one and squash us into jelly! But they spent so long arguing the whether-to's and why-for's that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees...and turned them all to stone!"

I smile, "and if it wasn't for Bilbo, who was able to buy some time, telling the trolls the dwarves had parasites, they wouldn't be arguing so much." He smiles and then ads "and if it wasn't for Y/N, the dwarves would have never went with my plan. So we both played a part." I grin. But then my attention is on two young hobbits standing by Gandalf fireworks. I chuckle "hobbits, I know what they are doing." I then stand up and walk back to Frodo.

Suddenly a tent flies in the air and a firework exploded in the air, then it turned into a dragen flying low to the ground. I duck down and hear Frodo yelling to Bilbo "Bilbo! Watch out for the dragon!!" Me then Bilbo answering confused "dragon? Nonsense... there hasn't been a dragen for thousands of years in these parts." Frodo hurriedly pull Bilbo to the ground just in time. The firework dragon explodes in the air with a loud bang. All the hobbit cheer.

I frown, I knew where those two hobbits where up to, but I did not know they would set it of in a tent.

The two hobbits who I learned their names where Meridoc and Peregrin, where punished to do the dishes. I chuckle and then the crowd starts yelling "speech! Speech!" Bilbo steps onto a barrel and he bows. "Speech!" I hear Frodo yell next to me.

Bilbo clears his throat "My dear Bagginses, and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks... Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Boogers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots." At every name some hobbits start yelling proudly. Bilbo continues "Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday. Yes, and alas... Eleventhy- one years is far to short a time to live among such excellent and admirable Hobbits!" The Hobbits burst into cheering. "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you as well as well as you deserve." Bilbo says and everyone looks confused. I grin to myself and see that Frodo and Gandalf do the same.

Bilbo pulls something out of his coat. I look closely. 'Is that... a ring?' I shrug 'well okay then.' Bilbo speaks again, only softer this time "I have... things to do and I have put this off for far too long..." I frown, what is he planning. "I regret to announce, this is the end. I am going now. I bid all a very fond farewell." Bilbo looks at Frodo and then, he vanished. I gasp I feel a strong energie around.

"It can't be, there is no way. But it could be..." I mumble. Frodo looks at me "what is going on?" I look at him with worried eyes "I don't know, but if my suspicions are right.." I look at him and he seems confused "I will see you later Frodo, enjoy your night." I walk towards Alshifa, take her by the reins and we walk towards Bilbo's house where I find Bilbo and Gandalf.

I hear Gandalf speak "Bilbo, the ring is still in your pocket." I see Bilbo hesitate and then he reaches into his pocket "oh, yes." He pulls out a ring and drops it to the floor. "It can't be..." I say and the look at me, I am standing just outside Bilbos yard. Gandalf looks at me "Y/N... I will explain this to you later."

Gandalf quickly explains that Bilbo is going to Rivendell and I say my goodbyes. "Goodbye Bilbo, I will see you there sometime." Then I leave. Allowing the two to say proper goodbyes.

1147 words

As I said in the last part, I love to see comments<3

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Where stories live. Discover now