Part 15

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After walking for about 6 hours the fellowship finally arives. You are the first one to climb up a ladder into the trees. When everyone is up Celeborn and Galadriel are waiting for them.

"Nine there are, yet ten there where set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him." Celeborn talks. Silence falls and you look at the ground. Around you, you see the rest of the fellowship has almost the same reaction as you.

"He has fallen into the shadow" Galadriel said with her eyes fixed on Aragorn. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the company is true." She says as her eyes settle on Sam.

After Sam she turns to you. "You made it so far my child, I am so proud of you, though now you carry the eight of two, don't you want to rest at home?" She asks and the beautiful gardens of Home flash before your eyes.

'The weight of two? What does she mean by that?' You think by yourself, what was she talking about?

You are with everyone except for Aragorn and Boromir. The singing of elves is heard mournful as it drifts trough the trees. "A lament for Gandalf..." Legolas says sadly. " what are they saying?" Sam asks. "I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still to near." Legolas says.


In the middle of the night you shoot up and run too the toilet. You have to puke... again. When you are done you sit next to it for a minute and then walk away after you flushed.

You decide to take a walk outside. As you sit on the edge of the fountain someone sits next to you. "What troubles you, my child." Galadriel asks gently.

"Galadriel, what is happening to me?" You ask with a troubled voice. "And what was the meaning of the 'carrying weight for two? I am so confused."

You look next to you to see her raising her eyebrows is surprise and... confusment? In you whole entire life, you never saw you grandma confused.

"Are you telling me you don't know?" She asks and you shake your head. "I don't think so no, what are you talking about?"

"I am talking about what is growing in your belly right now." She says with a smile, the smile you always loved.

It takes a second, but you figured it out "no..." you say in disbelief. "Yes, do you really want to continue this journey? you are now risking two lives."

You slowly nod, "i do, I will Finnish what I set out for." You say "even if I have to carry for two... and eat all the food of course!" You say with a chuckle.

"If that is what you wish." Galadriel says and she then leaves.

3rd person

Y/n sat there, in disbelief but also joy. She kinda expected it a little bit after the first morning sickness but she brushed it of very quick cause 'that could not be true' but it was.

How will she tell Legolas? How will he react?

Well he will probably be happy... but she knows him to well, if he knew, she would be sent of to Mirkwood or Rivendell by tomorrow. That's not what she wanted.

It will be e secret... for now atleast.


The next day you wake up from two servants. Matilda and Marilda, they are twins and you know them since you where little, they always took the time you play with you.

"Have you slept well, Lady Y/n? Matilda asks with a sweet voice. "I have, thank you." You say.

"Here is breakfast for you, some lembas, a bit of toast and an apple. Some juice and of course a strawberry as always." Marilda says giving you your breakfast.

"Wait, wasn't it planned to let the whole fellowship eat together?" You ask confused. Why did you get breakfast in bed? What time was it!?

"Wait what time is it?" You asked panicked. "Oh no worries dear, the fellowship is packing their things after breakfast, the lady Galadriel asked us to not wake you and bring you breakfast. We don't know why." Matilda tells you, opening the curtains.

You smile, you can safely say that your grandma is the best grandma in existence.

(After Thrandruil of course, when he will get a grand daughter or son he will be  the best grandma in existence)

As you where eating, Galadriel came in. "Matilda, Marilda, can we get some privacy please?" She asks and the two bow and leave the room shutting the door.

She sits on your bed looking exited holding two fabrics. "Okay so the rest of the fellowship just received their gifts, and now I wanted to give you your mothers bow, which you will still recieve, but I got you something else. Look!" She holds out one of the fabrics. I have this for you, I know it will probably be no use but I wore it when I was pregnant at parties and you will barely see you are pregnant.

Then she picked up the second fabric "this is one of the robes of Lorien. May these shield you from unfriendly eyes."

(This is the dress, if you don't like it you can of course look up anything else<3)

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(This is the dress, if you don't like it you can of course look up anything else<3)

After you received your mothers old bow, you arrived at the boats you put down your stuff and helped around when Merry and Pippin came up to you. "Y/n look! We got daggers!" Merry says excited. "Wauw that's cool, let me see them!" You say and the show you and you smile from ear to ear.

"Do they have names?" You ask and they think for a moment. "Well... no not yet.. I will tell you at the end of the day!" Pippin says.

"Oh! Oh! I will call mine leaf, because I received it here and there are lots of leaves here!" Merry says proud. And you chuckle "leaf it is, now of you go, into boats now!"

After a while you spot Legolas talking to Merry and Pippin who just like you said, climbed into a boat.

" small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." Legolas says, showing them Lembas bread and then he proceeds to take the smallest bite in the world.

"How many did you eat?" Pippin asks Merry as Legolas walks away, "four" he answers and you can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Legolas says suddenly standing behind you. How the hell did he get there?

"Nothing dear, did you sleep well?"

I did, but come, its time to get into the boats. You smile and nod. Then you get into the boat where Gimli is sitting and after you, Legolas enters.

1151 words

Okay I just need to say, the last part with the "smile and nod" I had to think of Murray, Joyce and hopper in S3 from stranger things

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora