Part 10

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It has now been a week since the fight you had with Legolas and you have not spoken a wordt to eachother. The rest of the fellowship wonders what happened that one night.

You are all resting. You took of your heels you wear when on a long journey. They walk great and are long enough to hide a knife in. "How can you walk on those?!" Pippin says as he just noticed them and you smile "I don't know, I always wore them on journeys." Pippin chuckles "I bet you could kick people with those!" He says and you laugh. "You are right, and I did it, multiple times!" You say. You then stand up and walk towards Sam to help him cook.

While walking to Sam you come by Legolas and you two have eye contact for a second before you both look down. You feel guilty and miss him, but you are waiting for an apology from him, but you think he is not sorry at all. Little do you know, that you two not talking is killing him, but that he is to scared to apologise.

You kneel down by Sam, "can I help you?" You ask and he shakes his head. "Not needed, I am just making some bacon, no big deal, thanks miss Y/n!" You smiles "if you say so." You then sit next to Aragorn who is watching Boromir teach Merry and Pippin sword fighting. "Move your feet." He says and you smile at the three.

You look to your left and see Legolas looking in the distance. His hair waive s in the wind and his eyes move over the sky. Suddenly he looks at you and you quickly look the other way. Did he see you looking? Why did he look your way?

You get distracted by Merry and Pippin suddenly tackling Boromir to the ground.

You laugh at the sight in front of you. You laugh even harder when Aragorn also gets tackled to the ground.

You do not take notice of Legolas looking at you dreamingly as you laugh.

"What is that?" Sam suddenly asks and everyone looks at where Sam is looking.

"Nothing... it's just a whisp of cloud." Gimli says and you put a hand above your eyes to block out the sun.

"It's moving fast...against the wind." Boromir says and suddenly it hits you.

"Crebain from Dunland!" You say at the same time as Legolas. You both look at eachother and then are quick to gather your things.

You are about to hide when you notice your heels are still out in the open. You run to grab them, but when you have them you notice it is to late to hide.

You look around and then feel a hand around your wrist. You get pulled into a bush and feel the person that grabbed you wrap his arms around your waist to pull you closer so that you are well hidden.

When you can get up you see the person who helped you was Legolas. "Thanks." You say short before walking away.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched." Gandalf says. You help Frodo up and smile at him.

"We must take the pass to Caradhras." Gandalf continues.

You sight "great... snow." Behind you, you hear Legolas chuckle and you turn around to look at him. When he catches your gaze he quickly shuts up.

You just know he tought of the same thing as you.


One day you and Legolas where on your horses, riding in the snow. You saw ice flowers on a tree and when you bend to the side to see them better... you fell of your horse in the snow.

You could not get up and begged Legolas to help you. He was still sitting on his horse laughing at you. "Legolas! Help me up, come on..!"

He gets of his horse and helps you up. And the moment you are about to get on Alshifa again. She steps forward and you fall in the snow... again. Making Legolas laugh even harder.

678 words

I don't really have anything to say, so maybe you do, what are your thoughts on the story? Do you have any ideas? Can I improve something? You can name it. 

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