Part 26

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"What kind army would linger in such a place?" Gimli asks from behind Legolas. "One that is cursed. Long ago the men of the mountains swore an oath to the last king of Gondor to come to his aid, to fight." Legolas starts explaining.

"But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled vanishing into the darkness of the mountain." You took over.

"And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge. Who shall call them from the grey twilight, the forgotten people? The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the North shall he come, need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the paths of the death." Legolas fills in.

Finnaly you reach the door. "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it. The way is shut." Legolas reads the symbols above aloud.

Suddenly sound and a gust of wind comes out of the door, spooking the horses. They pull
On the reins and run away. "Brego!" You hear Aragorn shout after his horse.

"I do not fear death." Aragorn says and he walks inside. You and Legolas follow, Gimli hesitates "we'll this is a thing unheard of. Elf's will go underground, where a dwarf dare not. Oh. Oh, I'd never hear the end of it." He then runs after the group.

Aragorn holds a torch leading the group. There are hundreds maybe thousands of human skulls on the floor. Aragorn keeps moving but you notice Legolas looking at them.

"What is it? What do you see? Gimli asks. "I see shapes of men and horses." He answers. "Where?" Gimli asks confused, looking around.

"Pale banners like shreds of clouds. Spears rise like winter thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned." Legolas says. You take his hand and together you walk further.

Behind you you hear Gimli mumble something. "Legolas!" He shouts the moment he realised he is alone. He comes running towards you.

Ghostly hands writhe around you and Legolas, after a while they are around the other two too. You hear Gimli trying to blow them away.

You look at them curious and then you look at the ground. It's littered with bones and skulls. "Don't look down." You hear Aragorn say and you realise he himself already did.

You arrive in an open space which conains a large building. You look around. "Who enters my domain?" You suddenly hear and you turn around. There stands a ghost, who you guess is the king here.

"One who will have you allegiance." Aragorn answers. "The dead do not suffer the living to pass." The king says. "You will suffer me" Aragorn says.

The king starts laughing and as he does a while kingdom of buildings start forming around the small group. Soldiers start to emerge from them and the surround you.

"The way is shut! It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut! Now you must die!" As he says this the army starts to close around you.

Legolas let's go of your hand to fire an arrow which his straight trough the kings head and it clatters to the ground. "Wow bullseye, Legolas." You say sarcastically.

"I summon you to fulfil your oath!" Aragorn says walking towards the king. "None but the king of Gondor may command me! The king says. Well jokes on him.

The king approaches Aragorn to attack him but Aragorn is fast and blocks the attack with his sword. "The blade was broken!" The king says in disbelief.

"It has been remade." Aragorn says and he catches the king by the troath pushing him back. "Fight for us and regain your honour. What say you!" Aragorn yells as he looks at the dead army, walking trough them. "What say you?" He says again.

"Ach! You waste your time Aragorn. They had no honour in life and they will have none in death!" Gimli says. "I am Isildurs heir. Fight for me and I will hold your paths fulfilled. What say you?" Aragorn says ignoring Gimli.

The king laughs and the army starts to disappear. "You have my word! Fight and I will release you from this living death! What say you?" Aragorn yells. "Stand you traitors!" Gimli yells.

The dead army is gone. You sight in disappointment. Suddenly there is a cracking and the walls of the building in front of you begins to collapse. Turns out it's made of hundreds of human skulls and it starts to fall towards the four of you.

"Out!" Aragorn yells. Legolas grabs your hand ready to help you. All of you are trying to climb the thousands of human skulls. But you start to slide down with them.

You lose grip of Legolas hand and slide down about 2 meters. "Y/n! Run!" You hear Aragorn. They are already near the exit.

You are climbing up with all your might. When you are almost there Aragorn grabs your arm and he pulls you up. And the lot of you run out of the caves.

As you look outside you see ships and a burning town. Tears prick in your eyes. Aragorn sinks to his knees in dispair. Legolas comes up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly there are sounds behind you and everyone turns around to be met with the king of death. "We fight!" He says and you smile in relief.


You, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli await the ships on the shore. "You may go no further." Aragorn says. "The boson of the ships stands up in response. "You will not enter Gondor." Aragorn states. "Who are you to deny us passage?" The boson asks.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosons ear." Aragorn whispers to him. Legolas gets his bow ready and takes aim. "Mind your aim." Gimli says and as he says this, Gimli knocks the bottom of the bow and it sends Legolas' aim of. The arrow kills a mercenary standing next to the boson.

Legolas glares at Gimli and Aragorn at Legolas. "Oh!" Gimli says as the arrow hit. "That's it, right, we warned you! Prepare to be boarded!" Gimli yells. The mercenaries laugh.

"Boarded, by you and whose army?" One of them asks. "This army." Aragorn says and behind you the dead army emerge trough the four of you and attack the ships.


While sailing towards Gondor, your stomach starts to hurt as hell. "Fuck." You mumble. "Are you alright?" Legolas asks and you nod. "I'm fine, just a stomach ache, I hope it will be over when we arrive." You say.

"Come sit down for a moment, rest till we get there, you need it." Legolas says. You nod and go to sit down.

1149 words

I don't have anything to say

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