Part 29

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3rd person pov:

Y/n was strolling around the castle, Legolin was held inher arms as she showed him every single spot around the castle.

The sound of talking and cheering grabbed her attention and she headed towards the gates. Here she found the entire army of Rohan, greeting their loved ones and cheering, letting her know that they had one, the war was over.

Holding her son close to her she looked around frantically. "Legolas!?" She called out, pushing past the men around her. "Aragorn?" She called but no answers.

She turned around and around, again and again. She took as step backwards and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She turned around. "That's quite alri- Meleth!" She looked into the bright blue eyes of the elf she loves so much.

"Oh, you're alive! How did it go? Where are the others?" She asked looking around again but he didn't say anything.

When she finally looked at him, she noticed him staring, not at her, but at Legolin. In all her frantics, she had forgot that it wasn't really normal.

"Who's baby is that?" He then asked and Y/n looked dumbfounded.

"Come again?" She asked staring at him in disbelief. "I asked who's baby is that?" He repeated and Y/n glared at him.

"That's yours, you moron." She said and he looked confused and very happy at the same time.

"Really!? But- but you still have the belly." Legolas pointed at her belly that was still poking out. "Yes, of course I do, it's been 2 days, it doesn't just disappear, it'll need a while." She chuckles.

He looked at the— now awake— baby in her arms. "Do you want to hold him?" She asks smiling and he grinned.

"Yes- him?" He asked holding out his arms as she handed over her baby. "Yes, that is your son." She said and she noticed tears forming in his eyes.

"He has your eyes." She said in a hushed voice and Legolas nodded, then spotted the small h/c hairs on his head. "He's got your hair." He commented.

"It could change when he gets older." She said and he shrugged. "Doesn't matter if it changes or not, he's beautiful, just as fabulous as me." Legolas grinned at her.

She hit his shoulder. "Oh, you are so funny." She glared at him, suddenly she realised something.

"How are Frodo and Sam? Are they alive?" She asked and he shrugs a little. "They are at Imaldris right now, I think they are alright and save in the hands of your father." And Y/n let's put a sigh of relief.

"The others are all okay aswell, we lost multiple, but we won." He explained and she smiled.

Suddenly Legolin began to cry, Legolas looked stressed and scared. "What did I do? Why is he crying? What do I do?" He shot every question possible at her.

"Calm down- you know what, give him here for a second." Legolas quickly handed him to Y/n.

"Shh, it's alright, Moms here." She started soothing the baby who slowly stopped crying and then almost immediately fell asleep.

"Hey, lass- 's that yours!" Gimli came up to them unexpectedly and spotted the baby. "That'll be mine, yes." Y/n grinned.

"Wow, congratulations, is it a lad or a lass?" He asked and Y/n felt Legolas' arm snake around her waste. "It's a boy."

"Wow, I didn't expect this one." Boromir joined the group and he was followed by Aragorn. "A son, huh?" He asked, obviously having overheard the conversation.

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora