Part 23

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Later that night you are sitting in bed next to Legolas. You where reading a book and Legolas was sitting next to you, deep in thoughts.

"Ithil?" He suddenly says. "Yes dear?" You say not looking up from your book. "I think we need to talk for a moment." He says and you put your book down.

"What is it?" You ask looking at him with kind but concerned eyes. "It sound like a weird question, but what was the last time you had your period?" He asks and you raise your eyebrows.

"Oh, I- why do you want to know?" You ask nervous. "No reason, just say it." He says suspicious. "I- Uhm..." you actually have no idea what to say, you could just lie, but he will probably know.

"Please be honest with my, meleth nîn." He says, cupping your cheek. "I-" you hesitate, should you tell him? Well lying isn't going to work at all since normally you would have just said it.

You sight. "About six months ago" you say casting your eyes down. You hear Legolas breath hitch. "So that means..?" He asks. "Yes.. I'm pregnant." You say so soft you can't even call it a whisper.

"I am so sorry for not telling you, I was just real-" you get cut off as he puts his lips on yours. You are shocked but soon melt into the kiss.

"I'm not mad, I understand, my love. I'm sad I didn't know sooner but I also completely understand you didn't want me to belittle you, and I promise I will try my best not to." He whispers to your lips.

"Thank you." You smile and you put your hand on his face. To your surprise his cheek is wet. You pull away from him. "Are you crying?" You ask.

He kisses you forehead. "I am sorry, you just made me the happiest elf alive." He says and you chuckle. "Oh dear don't cry, I think I have never seen you cry ever." You smile kissing. His fore-head.

"Your going to be an amazing mother." He says putting your hair behind your ear. "And you an amazing father." You say, then yawning. "That's also a new thing, I get tired now apparently, I don't know if I like it or not." You say.

"Get some sleep dear." He says. You nod and blow out the candle next to your bed. He does the same and then lays next to you. You snuggle into him and he puts his arms around you.


(Just a quick A/N, you, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas have rooms because they where already made ready for you come, other people, like Gandalf Merry and Pippin, don't have rooms because they came later so there is not made mouth room yet.)

You and Legolas told awake as you hear a scream. You both get out of bed and you manage to grab a dagger and a cloak. You see Legolas also grabed his cloak. On your way you meet Aragorn who is also heading into the direction of the scream.

You burst into the room to see Pippin holding the Palantir. "Help him!" Merry cries out. Aragorn runs forward grabbing the palantir. "Aragorn no!" You yell but it's to late. He has it in his hands.

He struggles for a moment but then let's it go and it falls to the ground. "Pippin!" You hear Merry say. You walk forward and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Fool of a Tool!" Gandalf says. He runs to Pippins side shoving Merry out of the way. You catch Merry and help him, up. You cared about Gandalf really, but sometimes you could strangle him.

"Look at me!" Gandalf orders Pippin and he does as he is told. "Gandalf, forgive me!" The poor took says, closing his eyes again. "Look at me! What did you see!?" Gandalf asks.

"A tree, there was a white tree in a courtyard of stone. It was dead. The city was burning." He says. "Minas Tirith." You mumble.

"Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?" Gandalf asks the young hobbit. "I saw him! I could hear his voice in my head." Your eyes widen at his words and you exchange looks with Legolas and Aragorn.

"And what did you tell him? Speak!" Gandalf demands. "He asked me my name, I didn't answer. He hurt me!" Pippin cries. "What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?"


"There was no lie in Pippins eyes. A fool but an honest fool he remains." Gandalf explains. It was the next morning. Y/n was eating from a bowl of yogurt with fruits.

"He told nothing about Frodo and the Ring." People around you sight in relief. "We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves on to strike the city of Minas Tirith." He explains.

"His defeat at Helms deep showed our enemy one thing. He knows the heir of Elendil has come forth." He nods at Aragorn. "Men are not weak as he supposed. There is courage still. Strength enough, perhaps, to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of middle earth uniting under one banner."

"He will race Minas Tirith the ground before he sees a king return ti the throne of men. If the beacons of Gondor are lit Rohan must be ready for war." Gandalf explains.

"Tell me! Why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?" Theoden asks. "I will go!" Aragorn says but this is immediately shut down by Gandalf. "No!"

"They must be warned." Aragorn argues. "They will be." Gandalf says and he then explains something to Aragorn.

Gandalf has left with Pippin and Aragorn and Merry come walking back inside. Merry looks at the ground and you feel for him. You walk up to him laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Say Merry, I suggest we go grab some food from the kitchen." You say smiling. "Haven't you just ate?" He asks you and you chuckle. "Well, that second breakfast Pippin talked about sounds good to me." You say and his face lights up. Together the two of you walk towards the kitchen.


Legolas smiles as he sees Y/n walk out with Pippin. She really is going to be a great mother. He suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. "Have you asked her yet?" The voice of Aragorn sounds.

"I have." He says. "And..?" Aragorn asks. The happy and emotional look Legolas gives him tells him enough. "I am so happy for you." Aragorn smiles and hugs his best friend.

"What are you two doing?" Gimli asks and Legolas smiles. "I'll tell you later."

1134 words.

I am tired as shit, I am going to sleep. Love everyone that is reading this!<3

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