Part 5

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3rd person:

While Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin just made it on the Ferry. One of the Nazgûl met Y/n. It was a heated battle but when the Nazgûl realised he could not win the fight, he left. Y/n jumped on her horse and set course to Bree, only having her mind on Sam and Frodo and hoping that they arrived safely.

When Y/n arrives in the morning and sees that the gates are kicked in she immediately heads to the prancing pony. She gets inside. "Good morning miss, can I help you?" The bartender asks and she nods. "Did two hobbits arrive or where at least here?" Y/n asks and the bartender thinks for a while. "There where four actually, they where looking for a wizard, Gandalf, I do not know if you know him. They left just an hour ago with a ranger." Y/n her eyes widen "four? What did they look like?" The bartender is cleaning a glass and starts talking again. "One had dark hair the others dark blonde. One of them told me his name was Frodo Underhill, he had bright blue eyes." She nods, so he was here, but who where the other two hobbits. "The ranger, what did he look like?" The bartender shrugs and grabs another glass to clean. "Dark hair, grey eyes, black clothes with a cape. Around here he is known as strider." Y/n sights in relief, they are in good hands when Aragorn is with them. "Thank you, that's all I needed."

Y/n is about to walk out before she remembers something. "Can I borrow some paper and ink?" She asks the bartender. He nods. "Of course, wait a second." When he comes back he lays a paper in front of her, with a feather and some ink. She immediately starts writing to Legolas that she would be home a little later and something got in the way. When She is done she goes to the post station.

"Do you take letters to Mirkwood?" Y/n asks a lady that seems to work there. "We do, we take letters where they are meant to be my dear." Y/n smiles "great, this needs to be in Mirkwood as fast as possible." The lady takes the letter and lays it down. "That will be done, it will be send out today." Y/n nods "thank you!" Then She runs out and gets Alshifa ready. "Plans chanced! We are going to Rivendell, I think Aragorn will bring the hobbits there."

3 days later Y/n arrives in Rivendell and sees Arwen getting her horse ready. "Well hello there." Y/n says and Arwen turns around. "Y/n! Welcome back!" Arwen goes to hug Y/n. It's been years since they have seen each other. when they let go Arwen quickly gets on her horse. "Where are you going?" Y/n asks. Arwen sights "I have no time to explain, Ada is inside, you should talk to him!" She says and then gallops away leaving Y/n alone. "Okay then." She mumbles. She then hands Alshifa over to the stable boy who greets you and then behinds with Alshifa.

While Y/n is walking towards the throne room to find her father she bumps into someone. "Alaine!?" Y/n says happy and her maid and best friend looks up surprised. "Y/n! I am so happy you are back! How are you? Where have you been? How is Legolas? Why didn't you tell you would co-" Y/n cuts her off "so many questions! If you take me to my father I will answer all of them." She says laughing. Alaine agrees and together they walk to the throne room.

"Ada!" Lord Elrond turns around surprised at hearing the voice of his daughter. "Nin iel-! Welcome back, where did you come from?" He says as he sees his daughter walk towards him. She smiles "I was at Bilbo's birthday, it turned out to be an interesting visit. I am guessing you already know?" He nods "I do, Arwen just left to go and find the Hobbits and Aragorn as they are late, I think you just missed each other." Y/n smiles "in fact we did not, I saw her as she was about to depart, but now I know why she left." Elrond nods "well we have a lot to catch up, how about we sit down?" Y/n smiles brightly. "That would be nice." And that is what they did.

731 words

Have a nice day!

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