Part 20

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You are sitting on a horse, walking besides Aragorn who walks behind Gimli who is telling his stories to Eowyn, who is walking next to the horse he is sitting on.

"It's true you don't see many dwarf women and in fact, they are often mistaken for dwarf men." Eowyn looks behind her to Aragorn and he 'whispers' to her "it's the beards." He says and you chuckle.

"There are even folks that believe, that there are no dwarf women! And that little dwarves just Spring out of holes 'n the ground!" He says and Eowyn laughs.

"Which is of course ridiculo- waahh." Suddenly the horse bolds and he falls about ten meters further. Eowyn laughs and so do you and Aragorn. "I told him he shouldn't ride a horse." Aragorn says to you and you laugh even harder.

Suddenly you hear commotion in the distance. "Somethings going on!" You say alarmed. "What's happening can you hear it?" Aragorn asks. "Wargs..." you whisper to yourself "wargs!" You then yell and get your horse to the front.

The villagers cry in panic. "They need to get out of here!" You yell, getting your bow ready. "All riders to the head of the column!" Theoden yells and you ride forward.

You ride next to Gimli towards Legolas, who swings his way on the back of Himlis horse Arod. "CHARGE!!" The king yells, and with that, the battle begins. "Hold tight Dilthen er, things are going to be wild." You whisper and then shoot an orc of if his warg. Immediately after you shoot the warg.

You do the same things multiple times. Suddenly your horse trips and you and the hire both tumble down to the ground. You horse quickly gets up and seems lost.

You stand up. Just in time to see and warg swinging at you. You grab you sword and swing it to the beast. You stick the point in his head and pull it out. "Yuck, warg blood" you say.

Suddenly your sword his swing out of your hand and you turn a round to see two orcs. You quickly grab the knife from your back and block one of their attacks. As you push him away you wack the others hand of.

As you doch a attack by ducking to the ground you pick up your sword and pierce it to the attacking orc. As you are about to Finnish of the other, an arrow pierces trough his head.

You see Legolas winking at you in the distance and you roll your eyes. "I had him!" You yell at him. "I was first!" He yells back.

You brush it off and attack another orc with a warg. Finnaly it's over and you sight in relief. You look around, so many death.

Legolas come up behind you. "Have you seen Aragorn." He asks and you look around in fear. "I.. no, the last time I saw him he was piercing a warg." You say.

"Aragorn!" You yell walking around. Gimli and Legolas are also calling his name. As you stand near a cliff you hear faul laughing.

Gimli stands over the dying orc "tell me what happened and I will ease your passing." He says. "He's... dead." He says between coughing and then laughing evil. "Took a little tumble of the cliff." Legolas looks over the edge and then grabs the orc. "You lie!" He says.

The orc then chokes and dies. You then look at his fist and see the evenstar pendant. Legolas sees it to as he takes it and then makes his way to the edge. You stand next to him but all you see is water.

"Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead." Theoden orders his man. You and Legolas turn to him both with faces if perplexed anger.

H puts a hand on Legolas' shoulder. "Come." He leaves, he leaves and you three are standing there, staring down at the river, the river that killed on of your best friends.

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Where stories live. Discover now