Part 27

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Hello motha fockas I'm back. It's sorry it took so long, I started school again a few months ago and I needed some time, but now I'm here!

I am going to be honest with y'all, I really wanted to stop this cause I have no motivation, and was about to kill Y/n at the end of the chapter, but I'm just going to be nice today😅.

Anyway we're going right into action!

When you are about to step out of the ship, Legolas stops you. "Y/n, I know I promised you to not treat you like glass, but is it a good idea to go into battle right now? I mean, you are like what? 8 months pregnant? Maybe more." He tells you.

"I-" you sight, he's right, and you know it. "I want to do what's best for our baby... I'm staying here, come get me when it's over." You say and he nods, kissing the top of your head.

"I love you."
"I love you to."


You have been waiting for about an hour when an arrow almost hits you head. You quickly grab your bow and look around to see a group of five orcs coming your way.

"Look what we found." One of them says baring it's teeth. "Don't come any closer, I'm warning you!" You say pointing your bow at them.

The one who tried shooting you before notches an arrow and you immediately react by shooting him in the head. "Who's next?" You ask.

You quickly notch two arrows and before they can do anything you shoot two of them. "You stupid little elf!" One yells, running at you in full speed.

Quickly you step away, grabbing you sword, you swing at him but miss by an inch. You feel a pain shoot trough your leg but ignore it.

You fight with the orc, while dodging the arrows the other one is shooting at you. You finnaly slice his head of and when you are about to focus on the other one you almost fall.

Looking down at your leg you see a small dagger sticking out of it. "Shit." You mumble, barely dodging the arrow that's fired at you.

You are about to grab you bow, when you pass out. First you hear the sound of your body hitting the floor, then you hear the sound of an arrow hitting its target.


You open your eyes to see your are being carried. You see the concentrated face of Legolas looking forward and you sigh in relief, you and your baby are safe.

"Meleth..." (love) you mumble softly. Legolas' gaze shoots down towards you with a concerned look. "Breath, Ithil, everything is going to be alright." He tells you softly.

You nod, and fall back asleep.

When you wake up a weth cloth is laying on your forehead and you feel something is tightly wrapped around your leg.

"She's awake." You hear someone grumble. You look up to see Gimli sitting at the side of your bed. "Mornin' lass." He says and you smile.

"Morning." You say hoarsely. "Here, drink." Aragorn gives you a glass of water and you take a few sips. "Where is Legolas?" You ask.

"He's with Alya, she's informing him about the baby." He explains and you nod smiling, when you suddenly realise. "He's fine right?" You ask a bit stressed.

"Their fine, nothing it worry about." You look up to see Legolas who just entered the room. "Thank god." You say smiling and you lift up your hand for him to take.

He grabs your hand with both of his and plants a soft kiss on it. "We came just in time to take the last orc down, for the rest you did a great job." He explains putting some hair behind your ear.

"Who won?" You als and he lifts his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Who had the most kills, Gimli or you?" You ask and he smiles. "Me, duh." You says proud.

"He took down a whole elephant." Aragorn yells me. "You did?" I ask him in amazement. He nods and starts telling me about it.

695 words

Less words then I normally do, but I'm tired and I have two tests tomorrow, so I need sleep, have a nice morning, night, afternoon or evening<3

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