Part 19

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You just came back from the funeral, Eowyn sang a beautiful song and on the sad faces of the citizen you could tell, the prince was loved.

You walked inside with Eowyn, you where comforting her since she was sobbing. You felt light in your head but you just ignored it. That was you first mistake.

As you and Eowyn sat down, someone asked you if you wanted some water, you declined. That was you second mistake.

When Eowyn stopped crying you both saw Legolas and Gimli and you wanted to introduce them. She agreed so you stood up. Really fast. And that, that was your third mistake.

You saw black in front of your eyes and the last thing you saw was about ten peoples shocked faces as you fell to the floor.


"I just want to know what's wrong with her!" That's the first thing you heard when you woke up. "Sir, I understand but we can't tell you that, she will be the first to know when she wakes up." A female voice said.

"I am her husband, I think she would not mind at all!" The first voice again. "I understand but in the law of Rohan-" the voice stops when she sees you stir.

"She has woken up!" A women with dark hair says as she walks over to you. "My lady, how are you feeling?" She asks with a kind voice. "I'm fine really, just tired but that will wear of." You say sitting up.

"Ithil, are you alright?" Legolas says sitting on the other side of you bed. "I think I just explained that love, I am fine." You say chuckling. "Can we now know what's wrong?" He asks the healer.

You look at her with pleading eyes, hoping she will understand. "Uhm.. well.." then she meets your eyes. "I am not allowed to say it when anyone else is in the room, it seems excessive I know, but I have to follow protocol." She says.

"But-" Legolas starts again. "Just do it love, I will tell you when I am out, okay?" You say and he nods and walks away. "My lady, do you know what's wrong... or well its not really a bad thing." The woman asks.

"I do, thank you for sending him out, he doesn't know, i know he will be happy... but I will tell him when this is all over and we can focus on other things." The woman nods and you stand up.

"You are free to leave whenever, if you need something I will be travelling with the rest of the healers. 'Travelling? What's going on' that's what you think, though you decide not to ask and just nod and smile. "Thanks." And you walk out of the room.

"What did she say? What happened? Are you okay?" The questions where fired at you the moment you stepped out of the room. "First, she said I suffered from dehydration, I did not drink enough. Second, I thought you saw, I took a travel towards the floor, and third yes, I am okay, I told you the same thing a few moments ago."

He just nodded, the concerned look leaving his eyes. He cupped your cheek and you leans against his hand putting your own on his.

"May I?" He asks and you chuckle. "You are my husband, love. You don't have to ask." He smiles and kisses your lips. The lips you have missed for almost a week now since you had not had a good private moment after the river travel.

"I prefer asking, though I will try to stop if it bothers you." He said as you broke the kiss. "Whatever you like, meleth nin." You whisper and your lips connect again.

Unexpected friends part 2 (Legolasxreader)Where stories live. Discover now