19. Divorce

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Where am I now? What happened after the divorce? Where is my mental health? Did I figure out the invisible force trying to make my life unhappy? So it's a no to that last question.

I know alot of people will have these questions if they ever read my story.

So mentally I am not drained, I still think about him, I still miss him but I am in a better place.

Mentally my work distracted me from everything and I stopped announcing I was married from the moment I realised he cheated 4 years ago. Hence am not totally embarrassed when someone ask how is my baby father.

I am working and getting fat apparently. Shawn avoided me and only texted me when he felt like without actually saying anything.

For example. He asked how was I doing and me still being petty said 'k' he proceeds to say something then say 'it's okay' like that gets under my skin, most times am like 'k' again because I try not to care but the other times am like 'if you have something to say say it because I never failed to tell you how I feel.'

I still cry watching an emotional movie but I am focusing on me. I once hated when people said that, like why did you lose focus on your self in the first place?! But look at me now.

We haven't signed the papers as yet because he is God knows where and am not too inclined to even care anymore.

He sent me the first draft of the papers and am like okay then 'this needs to be added' there's no way I am going to let my emotions cloud my better judgement.

I have my child and myself to focus on. So yeah. Happiness is slowly returning. I still need a happily ever after without the drama, I think I've had enough drama for a lifetime.

So please God send me an angel, don't have to be perfect just respectful and faithful to you God. Once he reverence you then I know that I'll be set, just not right away, help me to heal first and be of the right frame of mind to love that person. Respectly. Thanks and amen.

I believe and I have received in Jesus name.

I chose Respect over love, if you love someone they can disrespect you anytime, but if you respect someone then they know that disrespecting you will cause a whole shit load of drama.

The End.

Thanks ya'll for reading.

If you want more of Monica experience please let me know.

Thanks for sticking around. I'll edit this book one day am just not sure when.

I finally completed my first book. Am so ecstatic!!!

I wanted to add a chapter 20 but am literally out of ideas.

I don't remember when exactly I started it but I did start it after Numbed.

Anyhow here's an intro into one of my other favorite book.

Title: Rage

"Be gentle with her and give me the fu*king chain, we know she cannot be controlled while the heart moon is full!" shouted her Beta.

"She must be mated to be controlled we all know this." Elder Moroon said shaking his head and slightly trembling. James looked at him sideways while attempting to chain his Alpha.

"An Alpha should not be without a Luna, and a Luna cannot be an Alpha especially at the age of 20!" Elder Zackri added.

"She will kill us all." one of the guards said quietly. James heard but did not respond.

Mia-Katar looked at her subjects attempting to chain her, she wasn't resisting but something in her needed to be freed. It also needed revenge for what they did to her at 12 years old. The guard was right, she would kill them all.

Content/trigger warning: this book contains scenes of rape, voilence, physical and substance abuse.

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