5. Post Mortem

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Title: Misery loves company.

Shawn sister's POV

The line of work he did involved this, I understood that much. Personally I had no experience in that area but I would like to experience the pathologist cutting someone open while I made insufferable sound because that was a literal lifeless human being. I valued life.

His line of work involved that for some reason and each time he said he had to do a post mortem I knew it was code for something. Like who did post mortem once every 2 week huh? I knew he was cheating again but how would I break this news to my sister in law. We had our differences and something like this would be awesome to rub in her face. But I wanted to break the news like I cared. Misery love company they say and I was living proof. I took out my spare SIM and popped it in my phone. She didn't have to know it was me.

I followed him. My brother was a dog, even after my in-law forgave him for cheating on her multiple times and getting the female pregnant with twin twice (both of which she aborted for some reason, well she aborted one set and the other died, it wasn't meant to be) she somehow still stayed with him. I knew she was breaking each day. The arguments with my brother was constant and it was music to my ears. But why stay I wondered? Why allow my brother who wasn't that good looking to make her unhappy?

He pulled into the venue where the supposed post mortem was. I would just watch to see and possibly send my in-law the pictures. I admit I didn't like her but guess what no-one deserved to be treated the way brother treats her.

I remember once she was at the family house and she told him she was leaving for good. I could hear it in her voice that she was done. She was angry and crying. My good for nothing brother was there consoling her and the nigga was crying. Like actually crying. Men were the worst! He did her dirt and she was tired. The last time I borrowed his phone I saw the witch's name. I even saw pictures of them together. Recent picture because I was the one that went with him to buy the shirt I saw in the picture.

I wonder what did Monica do before she met my brother. Karma was a bitch and she spared no-one.

He came back from inside the building. I was so busy thinking about all the crap he did I forgot to follow him inside. Why was I doing all this? I hoped someone did it for me but this isn't about my story.

He actually went to do the post mortem, I thought he would head back but he drove to a small bakery. Maybe he was honestly trying to change, I started the ignition but there she was the female he cheated with. Pregnant! I drove a little closer in the vehicle I rented for this occasion (Like I said misery loved company!) and took some pictures of him kissing her and rubbing her tummy. He got her pregnant again?! What was it about her that he had to get her pregnant again?! God didn't like ugly and this was just despicable! I held my temple. How could I be related to him?!

This was the magic that would break Monica. I kinda felt sorry for the girl. No-one deserved this. I called his phone to determine if I should send the picture to Monica.

"Hey Shawn what's up? Haven't seen you in a while." I said while looking at him putting the food down that he had at his mouth.

"Am good sis, I'll see you today."

"What are you doing now? Am close by your workplace." I said while scrolling through the pictures. I had the phone on Bluetooth inside the car.

"Hey am actually doing a post mortem, I have to go. I'll talk to you later when I get back." Then he hung up. Post Mortem my ass.

I sent the pictures to Monica from an anonymous number. I didn't want her to think I cared or anything but whatever. I drove off. My brother was his own man, I knew I should confront him but I did once and he blatantly stated that if the stars fell from Heaven Monica would never leave him. Well we'll see about that. No female deserved to be treated like a doormat for loving someone, I had my fair share of being a mat.

The lies he told Monica had to come to an end. The girl deserved better. I deserved better and I wouldn't never settle for less. Loving someone hurt and I would endure the pain to meet the right person. However I had to love myself first and that was something I wouldn't compromised on. A tear slid from my face looking at how happy my brother was with this woman and how he was the opposite with Monica but yet he wouldn't free her. I wonder if that is how Reggae was with me. I shook my head. I couldn't allow myself to fall is that state of depression so I drove off listening to the words that I wanted to man to say to me one day.

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