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Then they went to the hospital where Collins and junior were treated while people came to the hospital to see their heroes who saved them but they were not allowed to get in instead waved them from afar unfortunately junior had lost a lot of blood so the doctor said he was going in a coma.

“As you already know with my ability, I sensed that something was coming behind me but don’t forget it isn’t fast as me then I moved away while I paused the time and pretty fast I had to go home where I took one of my invention and made you all see what I wanted you to see but that wasn’t true,” bright explained happily   
“still that’s doesn’t explain the spear entering the body,”
“well it entered but never got hurt,” he continued “I also don’t know what happened but the good news is that am alive,”  
“am glad you are okay,”
“the problem with you guys were that you looked away fast, didn’t you wonder that there was no blood that came out of my body,”

They took junior home and he was considered to be one of them now. They were greatly honored by the president and everyone else around the world. They were also put in the history and they set a public holiday to remember the day the defeated the armaliohs. 
Passing of months, juniors body started to respond and they rushed with him to the hospital where he woke up with great force but could not see properly for the first 3 minutes.
“you are back brother,” they all hugged him while on the bed
“where did I go?”
“you were trapped in a deep dream,”
“and it has been 8 months since the defeat of the so called king,” 
“OMG that’s was way too long,”
“let’s go home and get ready,”
“get ready for what?”
“we have been called by the president of America to attend a function,” junior couldn’t believe what he heard.

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