Protect the curve

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Aliens and humans fighting😁 who is going to win?

Are the boys going to be able to defeat these creatures 🤷

"what are we going to do," Derick asked as his heart was beating fast

"the only thing we are supposed to do now is that we have to protect the curve no matter what," Collins urged them all while looking at the curve.

"if we don't make it, I would like to let you know that's it's been nice knowing you guys and am really grateful cause you have built me up to be the person I am here," mirror continued but the armaliohs were disgusted with what they were hearing from the boys
"I love you guys very much," they all hugged thinking that their end had come.

"let's not act as if there is no war here," bright said while pulling out of the hug chain. 

"can you boys or lovers knock it out now," Mica and his gang were at a distance while pointing his spear towards the boys "I have had enough of your drama,"

"you will pay for everything you have done," Collins moved forwards when he said these words and his voice was filled with anger.

"you totally know that you humans are not a match to us, right?" 

"that's what you think but we are beyond that," they looked at one another.

"ah... whatever," Mica said as his team moved towards the boys from all direction and the boys positioned themselves "but the fact now is that we have taken over," Mica was proud.

"let's see about that,"

With his nature ability Collins created a shield to cover the curve to protect it from anyone who wants to get in.

while bright and mirror were fighting against the armaliohs and mirror was not spotted anywhere that they could not see whom they are fighting with and his powers had increase with 20.9%, he had killed about 7 armaliohs on the spot.

Derick teleported on and off moving quickly to every one of them snatching their weapons and killing them using their own weapons unexpectedly someone from behind had to hit Derick on the head with all his strength that it made him faint at the edge of the cliff while slowly falling from the top of the waterfall.

"no!!!!!!!," Collins created a bed using his ability to catch Derick as he fell and he directed it besides a river.

"Derick......," as bright shouted his name he released waves that destroyed 5 of the armaliohs by dispatching their bodies as if a bomb was planted inside their stomachs then he fell on his knees breathing heavily.

"you will regret ever coming here," Collins squeezed his hands that pointed to the ground with all his strength as if he was about to do something dangerous and when he lifted them up, some thread like branches came out of the ground with force reaching on the necks of 8 of the armaliohs then twisting them, cutting off their heads while blood coming out of their body with force as their heads bounced on the ground as if they were balls.

Two of the armaliohs took the advantage of the situation and walked towards the curve then they started to remove the shield that covered it, as they finished removing the shield the heat that was in the curve came out with force that it had to burn them to ashes as if they were thrown in the den of fire filled with Sulphur.

Upon seeing this, Mica had to run away with the two warriors that were left because he knew that there was no hope and the boys were amazed to see a living creature burning to ashes. 

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