Found The boys

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The Armaliohs kept searching for those little boys, everywhere and the message reached their so called king that 5 boys survived.

A group of armaliohs started to argue with one another as others said to just leave the boys alone while the other refused the idea.

"let's not bother searching for them,"

"are you trying to save them or what?" the son of the chief (Mica) argued with the son of the deputy chief (Ken).

"am not trying to save them but haven't we caught enough humans already," Ken didn't want them to chase the boys.

"if the chief who happens to be my father said that we should catch them then he meant it," Mica urged them all.

"remember you position,"

"I don't care whether your father comes second after my father but all of us have to obey what he said," he moved close to ken as if he wanted to start a fight "we are doing what he said,"

"I can promise you one thing and that is, you will never get the position for your father no matter what," they pushed their chest against each other, maybe the sons were about to fight.

"you better watch your mouth when you speak to me or you will find your tongue out," he pointed his spear across his face.

"kill me if you have the guts,"

"do you think I cannot," 

"you two knock it out already, we have had enough of your fight," a junior pushed them away from each other.

"who do you think you are pushing me like that," Mica changed his focus to the junior now

"but you were about to .......," Mica touched him by the neck while placing his right hand into the junior's mouth, with his tall fingers that sunk deep removing the intestines and eating them up while the others who saw what happened got scared and others looked away as they vomited while Ken and his men left the scene.

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," mica laughed spreading his hands in the air with blood that dropped to the grounds

"guess you now know the results of trying to stop me from having my way without a good reason," he said pointing his finger to every one of them.

As they moved, they noticed a problem at the river that the water was warm when It was supposed to be cold so they decided to follow where the water was coming from and the 30 armaliohs were moving fast as mica ordered.

Bright started to sense danger but guess it was too late when one of the armaliohs shot an arrow that passed mirror across the neck hitting the rock behind him.

the boys panicked and Collins reminded them that they had a job to do.  


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