The bad boy is back home

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When friends love one another they can do anything if they see a brother fall


They waited for Collins to come but there was no sign, it seemed as if he never existed, maybe he was caught up with something they thought or maybe he was lost trying to find his way back home or maybe he had seen something that left in a dilemma.

The TV wasn’t working and there was silence in the neighborhood as if no one lived there except them and when they looked down the window it was a lonely road but they didn’t put much attention to it. Collins pushed the door with force as if he was drunk.

“it’s good that you are here,” Unique said walking towards him

“how good?” Collins asked while sitting down

“we all have something to tell you,”

“have you been gossiping,”
“it’s something concerning your behavior,”

“so hear us please,” Derick continued “we are your family,”

“brother man we wanted to tell you that you should stop what you have been doing lately, stop stealing it cause pain to those you have stolen from and you might put us in trouble, I know you don’t want that to happen to us,” he paid attention

“drinking beer and smoking is not good for your health, all in all we just want you to be a better person you used to be,” Collins looked at Unique closely as he explained everything to him.

“guys I really appreciate and when I was out today I was trapped in my thoughts thinking of what type of a monster I have become and nothing was in the right place,” it seemed like the words touched him when he spoke.

“what do you mean when you say nothing was in its place,” all of them were curious.

“it just seemed as if the people just vanished only clothes on the road and I guess we are the only ones left,” they we terrified for a moment.

“you need to stop messing around,”

“am not joking with you guys,” he was getting angry “we are the only people left here and there is no one left,”

“let’s go outside and check it out ourselves,”

Hope you are enjoying it

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