discover powers

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Mirror was the one who was going to be driving the car giving a chance to his friends to find out what their powers were.

Bright was trying to hit himself with a hammer because he said if he had to have superpowers it better be indestructible but guess that was not on, he just injured himself.

At the backseat Derick was not doing the talking but he was trapped in his thoughts before long he disappeared but this time it was different from Mirrors incident because this time we could not hear him talk.

“where am I at?” he wondered “don’t tell me what I thought came true,” it was cold where he was and he didn’t know what to do to go back where his friends were 

“who knew my imagination can come true but know that’s not the point but how would I go back,”

Then he thought of where he was before getting there, he vanished again but this time he found himself in the car.

“guys look he is back,” bright saw Derick in the car covered in ice.

“where were you brother?” Unique was concerned like a pregnant woman.

“and what’s up with the ice,” Collins pulled his face together.

“the moment I was in the car I thought of being at the snow mountain in northern California in the snow mountain wilderness of Mendocino national forest and I found myself there,” Derick explained while mirror took a blanket to cover him to feel warm.

“oh that’s nice” mirror said in a mocking way.

“you don’t know how cold it was,” He rolled his eyes.

“at least you have seen snow for real for the first time in your life,” they all laughed at Collins joke

“uhmmmmmm if that’s the case then you might have teleportation powers,”  

“what?” bright wondered.

“well that’s amazing,” they all looked at him “you must take me to Australia at some point,”

“you wish,” he removed his hand off his shoulder as they were entering the car.

Disastrously as they were going into the car the creatures called “the Armaliohs” that had invaded earth, started roaming around to see whose house the yellowish oil didn’t reach and how many humans were there, so they had to hide from them luckily enough they passed by fast and the sniffing snake that was moving on the ground was picked up then the armaliohs left and by the way they were 8 meters tall and made groaning sounds as they moved.

They had to go into the car as soon as the armaliohs left then they started to go where they were going before long Bright had sensed danger from a far and had to see them inform of a vision, so they stopped the car as bright explained everything he had seen to them and he could move fast and slow things down. 

They started to walk but it was a pity that the area they walked was contained with huge rocks and no houses could be seen it seemed like they were walking in a mountainously area so they were tired and their clothes were soaked with wet.

Then Collins started to control nature, he could grow trees by just feeling the ground with his arms. He changed the weather a bit and made a mango tree grow then they had to eat all mangoes in the tree.

“my guys this isn’t going to be easy,” Unique urged them all as they were eating mangoes while taking a rest.

“we need to be together and be one,” Collins was afraid for a moment

“Collins thank you for the fruits and I was totally hungry,” mirror burped

“those creatures were so dangerous,” bright was frightened just thinking of them

“we need to be extra careful,”

“this can be the right time to try your powers out,”

“but you don’t have,”

“you don’t have to worry about me,” unique said touching him on his shoulder.

“after all, all of us have known our powers at different times,” Collins said encouraging unique and all of them

“and as you a leader, I hope whatever powers you, get will suit you,”

“don’t worry that much let’s get started,” unique reminded them that they had to try their powers.
Everyone was busy trying out their new powers except for unique but he was helping his friends out

The Armaliohs were back after not finding anything but this time they were moving in the air who knew they could fly then they had spotted the boys on the ground using their powers before long the armaliohs landed on the ground where the boys were, the boys were frightened that their feet froze like a statue because of fear. There was ultimate silence as they looked at each other getting ready to fight, one of the armaliohs released fire that was coming out of its mouth like a dragon fortunately when the fire was about to reach them, Unique created a bubble that safely covered all of them but the fire was too strong compared to his bubble then he released more energy making the force of fire not to penetrate inside the shield.

“oh man….. this force is too strong,” Unique was getting weak upon releasing a lot of force.

“anyone who has a plan,” Mirror was concerned for unique

“am literally out of ideas people,” bright was roaming around the shield together with Collins as they thought of a way.

“I was thinking…….,” Collins stopped for a moment to think it through.

“can you be fast with your thinking,” Derick was impatient while shaking him on and off.

“what if we could use derrick’s powers,” unique was losing a lot of energy that he had to be on his knees “to teleport to some unplanned place,” 


“that might work,” they touched one another and vanished, finding themselves into this other dark curve on the mountain beside a waterfall and as they entered the curve, bats scared them as they flew away from the curve,

Unique started feeling dizzy, was weak that he fainted and his friends had to carry him to a safer place inside the curve where he could sleep but his body temperature started to increase as if his body was a source of fire and his friends failed to get any closer to him, they moved around, but as hours passed by it was getting too hot in the curve because of the internal force in his body.

Mirror run to the waterfall near to them to get water that he would pour on uniques body but the moment he poured water, the water turned warm that very second when it was about to reach uniques body as if they had been boiled for some hours.

“guys what are we going to do about unique,” bright was concerned.

“as you already know his body is getting hotter making his curve hot as well,” they all went out of the curve leaving unique alone.

“I just hope he makes its through,” Collins was about to drop a tear.

“he will definitely make it,” mirror hugged Collins to make him feel a little bit better.

“maybe let’s wait for a while till morning to see what will happen,” 

“I have already started to think of a life without him,” mirror lifted his head up as he said these words.

“please don’t get started,”

“I don’t know who will cook delicious food for me, who would scold me and who would tell me what to do,” mirror was acting as if unique was his mom.

“the person is not dead yet so stop saying these words as if you are at the funeral,” bright was tired with mirror.

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