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When word went out that the Hellstorm had finally been arrested vanquishers gathered in the hallways of the Academy to see the legend for themselves. Apparently, the man was a demon now. Two Vanquishers carried an unconscious white man with sandy brown hair.

"Is that Hellstorm?" Narvari asked.

"No," said Yanvirrak. "That's him over there." Yanvirrak pointed to another group of vanquishers escorting a tall, heavily built man. He wore a cowboy hat and a mask designed with a skeleton jaw that covered the lower half of his face. He also wore handcuffs and a black collar around his neck. No one was touching him and neither was he resisting at all.

So that was Hellstorm. He surely looked intimidating. She could see why he had the entire Order so worked up. The Academy was dead silent as the vanquishers led Hellstorm away. Then, as Hellstorm passed, Narvari felt the man's gaze was on her. She couldn't help but feel scrutinized. She frowned. Why did it feel like there was something vaguely familiar about him? Even as they led him away, Narvari wouldn't stop staring at his back. She tightened her grip on Pheera's wheelchair. What was this feeling? Something about this man seemed to pull her in like a magnet. Whatever it was, she needed to figure it out.

"Hey, Narvari." Yanvirrak tapped her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I just..." How should she explain this? Her eyes darted towards Hellstorm and the vanquishers. She had to follow them. "I'm sorry guys. I have to go."

"Where?" Pheera asked.

"I'll tell you later." Then turning to Yanvirrak she said, "Can you take her back? Thanks."

Not waiting for Yanvirrak to reply, Narvari ran after Hellstorm's entourage. She came to a stop as the vanquishers opened a door and entered the room. They soon came out without Hellstorm. When she was sure the vanquishers were gone, she walked towards the room. A large glass embedded in the wall made it possible to see inside the room. And there, sat Hellstorm, chained to the table. Wait... this was the same room she was confined in when Zemeron 'arrested' her. Narvari pressed her hand to the glass. What was this feeling? What was she doing here? And more importantly, why did it feel like she'd seen this man somewhere before? But that was impossible.

"You're not supposed to be here?"

Narvari clenched her jaws as Pheleraz's annoying voice interrupted her voice. She glared at him, ready to fire some choice words at him. But upon seeing Trixan, Narvari checked her emotions.

"You should leave," Pheleraz demanded. "Now."

Ignoring him, Narvari asked Trixan, "What are you going to do to Hellstorm?"

"It's none of your business," Pheleraz snapped.

"I don't remember talking to you."

"That's enough," said Trixan. She looked at Narvari sternly. "You can't be here, my dear."

"I know." She looked back at Hellstorm. "What's going to happen to him?"

"We're going to ask him some questions." 

Narvari nodded. "Can I stay behind?"

"My dear--"

"I'll just be right here," said Narvari quickly. "I only want to see what he looks like. I've heard so much about him."

Trixan didn't say anything for a while. "Alright then."

"Really?" Narvari grinned.

The Elder shrugged. "You're not going to hear anything anyway."

Pheleraz on the other hand didn't look pleased at all. But he didn't protest. He followed Trixan into the room while Narvari stood behind to watch through the glass. Trixan was right. Narvari could not hear a thing. It looked like Pheleraz was doing all the talking. With a victorious smirk on his face, he stood behind Hellstorm and rested his hands on the man's shoulders. Gosh, how smug was this guy? It was like he had a personal vendetta against Hellstorm or something. Pheleraz took off Hellstorm's hat and threw it on the table. For the first time, Narvari saw the man's dark brown eyes clearly. Those very familiar eyes. But it was the thin scar on his forehead that arrested Narvari's attention. She froze. No. It couldn't be. She was mistaken. It certainly couldn't be him. The thought had barely formed in her mind when Pheleraz suddenly ripped Hellstorm's mask off.

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