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After managing to convince Pheera that a change in the environment would be good for her health, Narvari took Pheera out of Draghein School. Yanvirrak, of course, needed no convincing and came along with them even before Narvari could ask.

Instead of teleporting, they took one of the cars along. Narvari had to admit it was more fun exploring the city that way. For the first time in a while, she didn't feel like a vanquisher on a quest to slay demons. She felt like any normal teenager with her friends. They spent the whole day visiting amusement parks, trying new foods, buying souvenirs, and just exploring the beautiful city. It was strange how Draghein School was located in the city and yet, this was Narvari's first time seeing Johannesburg in all its glory.

Yanvirrak made the city tour more enjoyable as he seemed to know everywhere. Pheera, however, felt distant. Even when Narvari initiated a conversation with her, she felt the coldness from the Zoleris. This wouldn't be the first time. Ever since Pheleraz spoke to Pheera in private, she'd been acting strangely and avoiding Narvari. Not wanting to make things worse, Narvari had avoided asking Pheera about it. But now, she didn't know if she could pretend everything was alright.

After visiting a bowling alley and winning three games in a row against Yanvirrak, they finally went to a restaurant. It was 6 pm. They'd been sightseeing the whole day and Narvari was starving.

"This is so good." Narvari moaned as she savored the pizza. She hadn't had anything like this in a long time. Their constant training as vanquishers required a strict diet none of which included pizza or soda.

"Of course it is," said Yanvirrak. "It's why I brought you here."

Pheera silently ate her pasta. She'd barely said a word since coming here. Narvari rested her hand on Pheera's wheelchair. It was true that Pheera didn't talk much, but Narvari sensed that something was bothering the young woman. This wasn't about Pheleraz, was it? Ever since that jerk showed up, Pheera hadn't been herself.

"Pheera." Pheera's gaze met Narvari's. God, how she wanted to know everything. But Narvari only forced a smile and said, "Um... It's nothing."

Pheera gave a small smile before finding her food more interesting than Narvari's face. Yanvirrak brought up something about wanting to buy a motorcycle and for the rest of their meal, that was all Yanvirrak and Narvari talked about. It was a good distraction, at least.

"I have to go to the washroom," said Pheera suddenly.

"Alright." Narvari stood up. "I'll help you out."

"No need, Narvari. I'll be fine."

Narvari sat in dejection. Silently, she watched Pheera wheel herself away. Now she was convinced that Pheera was trying to push her away. But why? Did Narvari do something? Did she...

"You two alright?" Yanvirrak interrupted her thoughts.


"You and Pheera," he said, "what's going on? I sense some weird dynamic between you two."

"I don't know what you mean." She shrugged. Suddenly, Narvari didn't want to be here anymore. She wished she was back in her room, sleeping or something. Anything. As long as she won't be constantly reminded by Pheera's growing coldness.

"Oh come on, Shar. I know you know what I mean. Pheera is always so physically close to you. But now, I don't know. It feels like she's avoiding you or something."

Narvari sighed. Yanvirrak might not look it, but he could be very observant. "I don't know. She wouldn't tell me anything either."

"What did you do?"

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