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Narvari followed Trixan to the large TV on the wall.

"Twelve powerful families in Agon came together to form the Ancient Order of Vanquishers." A world map appeared on the gigantic TV. Green dots blinked on several locations across all the continents on the world map.

"Now these twelve families, called the Dominant Families, created the Twelve Schools responsible for protecting the Outer Sphere from demons." Trixan gestured at the TV. "Each green dot shows the location of each school."

There were eleven more schools other than Draghein School then? Narvari thought. She scanned the dots, unconsciously counting each of them. They were indeed twelve. Each name on the school was nothing she had seen or heard before. She gazed at the African continent.

What the hell? Narvari's eyes almost fell out of her head. Draghein School was in Johannesburg? She was in South Africa right now? She was so far from home.

Wait, there were two schools in Africa. The green dot blinked in Cairo, the name Zoleris written above it.

ZolerisNarvari lowered her eyes thoughtfully. As in Pheera and Zemeron Zoleris? But if there was a Zoleris School, why were the siblings in a different school? Or maybe it was just a coincidence they had the same name as the school. Zoleris was probably a common name in Agon.

"Each school has its jurisdiction," Trixan continued. "Draghein School has jurisdiction over West and Southern Africa."

Narvari pointed to the green dot in Cairo. "What about that one?"

"That is Zoleris School. They handle North and East Africa."

Narvari quietly observed the rest of the schools. Just as Trixan said, they were scattered throughout the earth. Demons must be everywhere. How did they escape from Bezvar to earth?

"Narvari." Trixan interrupted her thoughts.

Narvari looked at the Elder.

"I know I've already said this, my dear, but I will say it again. I want you to join Draghein School."

"Why? Just because I'm a vanquisher doesn't mean I want to be part of your Order."

"You're not yet a vanquisher, my dear."

"No? But I vanquished a demon."

"True." Trixan chuckled. "But you still need training, my dear. Draghein School can help you with that."

"But I'm not interested." She gazed firmly at Trixan. She had other plans. She needed to find her father. Also, she wanted to study zoology at the university. Learning the art of killing demons was not part of that plan. "Are you going to lock me up for refusing your offer?"

The fond smile didn't leave Trixan's face. "Why will I do that?"

"I don't know." Narvari shrugged. "Because I killed a Vessel without a license. Zemeron said that was illegal."

"He did, huh?" Trixan chuckled. "Strange. I have never heard of such a law."

"What?" That asshole.

A silence ensued between them for a while.

"My dear, I would like to help you reach your full potential."

"My full potential?"

Trixan nodded. "You awakened a fifth-order savaz. That's unprecedented. You vanquished a powerful demon and Vessel all without training. I can only imagine what you will be capable of once you are well trained."

"You think I fought those demons without training?" Narvari shook her head in disbelief. Why did they all keep assuming she had no training?

Did Trixan have any idea of the hellish training she went through from her father? Yabaga started training her as soon as she could walk. So what the hell did she mean by 'without training?'

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