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"Am I interrupting something, my dears?" A blank expression clouded Trixan's creamy white face. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

"Nope." Narvari dragged herself out of the bed. What the hell was the Elder doing here? Did she even understand the concept of boundaries?

"There's an emergency meeting in thirty minutes," said Trixan. "You should get ready."

That's why she came all the way here? To tell them there was a meeting. Narvari sighed. "Okay."

"I was talking to Pheera, my dear. You on the other hand are coming with me."

Narvari froze. "Um, okay." She apologetically at Pheera. "I'll see you later?"

Pheera nodded with a smile.


Trixan sighed, as she gazed at the young woman sitting before her. She couldn't help but feel nervous about what was slowly building between the Narvari and Pheera. She had a nagging feeling this was going to cause more complications between the Dragheins and Zoleris. It didn't matter if Narvari was not a Draghein-- the Zoleris Family would never accept her as long as she was part of Draghein School.

Perhaps she was overthinking things. These two were still young and as harsh as it may sound, whatever going on between them might not even last. Besides, Pheera was no longer under the control of her family and they couldn't decide for her who she could or could not be with. But why wasn't Trixan completely convinced?

"Trixan, what's going on?" Narvari's voice suddenly snapped Trixan from her thoughts.

Trixan paused. "It's about Erasmus Shar, my dear."

Narvari's eyes lit up immediately. "Really? Did you find anything?"

She shook her head. "There was no vanquisher by that name."

Narvari leaned back in her chair, the smile completely gone from her eyes. "I really thought he was a vanquisher."

"Who was he?" 

"My grandfather."

"Oh," Trixan whispered. "And why do you think he was a vanquisher?"

Narvari shrugged. "Didn't you say the only reason I awakened in the first place was because I may have ancestors from the Inner Sphere?"

Always using my words against me. Trixan smiled. "I did say that. But your ancestors are not limited to your grandparents. They also trace back several hundreds of years. A great... great grandparent, perhaps."

"Maybe. But my grandfather must have awakened too," said Narvari stubbornly.

Trixan cocked her head, waiting for an explanation.

"I always thought stories about him were far-fetched for an ordinary man," said Narvari, "but now that I think about it, I guess he was far from ordinary. All the stories about him say that he was a man of incredible physical strength. Plus he also introduced Ntunomi to the Kirriba."

Trixan raised a brow. "Ntunomi?"

"Gun Combat. It's very similar to Sacred Combat. But instead of savaz, we use guns." Narvari paused, as if considering something. "Ordinary guns. There's no sacred energy involved so it's a lot easier than Sacred Combat."

"I see." Trixan nodded. That must explain why Narvari knew how to fight like that.

This wasn't too strange though. Just because outies were generally ordinary didn't mean they couldn't have extraordinary skills. There were outies who had incredible fighting and excellent marksmanship skills and this had nothing to do with awakening sacred energy. Vanquishers were indeed far stronger than people of the Outer Sphere, but there were also ordinary outies who had trained their bodies to incredible heights. Erasmus Shar, might be one of such people.

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