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The sweet scent of roses, daisies, lavender, and dozens of other flowers permeated the air. There were no buildings here, only walls of green hedges and trees. An entrance made of vines stood between the hedges. The word Rahsun, written in a stylish font, dangled above the entrance. Narvari felt as though she would be scooped into a magical trance if she watched the letters of Rahsun for too long.

“What is this place?”

“My favorite place in the school,” Pheera said. She entered whatever Rahsun was and Narvari followed.

“Wow.” Narvari’s eyes bulged out of her sockets as they took in the sight of strange but beautiful trees with pink leaves and purple fruits. It blended seamlessly with the green hedges and flowers of all kinds of colors. In the distance, a blue lake glistened. “This is amazing.”

“I know. That’s why it’s my favorite.”

A deep sense of calm settled over Narvari as she watched the breathtaking scene before her. She glanced quietly at her companion and her breathing quickened upon witnessing the warmth that radiated from Pheera’s eyes. She really needed to keep it together, thought Narvari.

“Let’s sit over there.” Pheera pointed to a bench under the shade of one of those trees with pink leaves.

When the two were comfortably seated, Narvari asked, “What’s Rahsun?”


“Huh?” Narvari narrowed her eyes.

“Rahsun Draghein. The woman who designed this garden.”

“Draghein? As in Draghein School?”

Pheera nodded. She paused. “Have you heard of Agon?”

“Yes. The Central Domain?”

“That’s right,” Pheera said. “The Draghein Family is one of the Dominant Families in Agon.”

Dominant Families. Trixan mentioned that. According to the Elder, the Dominant Families came together to form the Ancient Order of Vanquishers. So Draghein School was created by the Draghein Family. Did that mean the same applied to the other eleven schools?

“What about Zoleris?”

Pheera’s smile disappeared. “What?”

“I mean your family name is Zoleris, right?” Narvari shrugged. “And Zoleris School is one of the Twelve Schools. So is it also one of the Dominant Families in Agon?”

“Yes,” whispered Pheera.

Narvari was about to ask her next question when a chill suddenly ran down her spine. Goosebumps covered her arms and she shivered from the unnatural coldness. What the hell? She lurched to her feet, her eyes turning cold and wary as she carefully looked around. Pheera was the only one here with her so why the hell did it feel like someone was watching her?

“Narvari, what’s wrong?” Pheera was instantly by her side. “You’re shaking.”

“I-I thought I heard something.” Narvari’s gaze swept over the garden. Someone had definitely been watching her. No, maliciously watching her.

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