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Narvari was asleep in Pheera's hospital room when Yanvirrak rushed in to wake her up. In excitement, Yanvirrak told her to follow him. Something was going on outside, he said. After hesitating for a while, and Yanvirrak assuring her that Pheera was safe here, Narvari finally followed him.

Outside the large compound of the Academy, all the vanquishers were assembled. Trixan stood with her back to the crowd while exquisitely dressed in a long silky red dress with a black floral belt around her waist. Her red hair was tied up in a conservative bun.

"What's going on?" Narvari whispered to Yanvirrak.

Yanvirrak pointed to the skies. "Blue rays are down."

Indeed, although the white and red rays secured the school, the blue rays were nowhere in sight. A wave of panic flooded Narvari's chest. "Are we having intruders again?"

Yanvirrak chuckled. "No. I think we are expecting someone. Trixan must have deliberately taken it down." Suddenly, a brilliant white portal opened a few meters away from Trixan. "White portal," said Yanvirrak. "Our visitor is from the Central Domain."

A visitor from Agon? Narvari raised a brow. What's going on?

Through the portal, a young man in a vanquisher uniform stepped out followed by even more vanquishers--twelve in all. The portal didn't disappear until a thirteenth person stepped out, taking his position in front of the small army. From his posture and sheer body language, it was clear he was the man in charge. Narvari froze for a moment when she took a closer look at the man.

With his short white hair and well-groomed white beard, he looked like a more mature version of Zemeron. His deep blue eyes, however, were even chillier than Zemeron's. Was that Zemeron's father? He didn't look a day over thirty, but vanquishers aged slowly so it was possible that was Zemeron's father. If he indeed was Zemeron's father, then that meant he was Pheera's father too. Was he here because of what had happened to Pheera? No. That didn't sound right. Not after everything Narvari had heard about Pheera's family.

"Well, well," said the Zoleris, "I must say, Yvis, I'm impressed you're still here."

"Jakhan put you in charge of the mission," Trixan said. "Interesting."

"Interesting indeed." He paused, running his eyes over the crowd as though they were nothing but vermin. "How far the mighty Dragheins have fallen." He chuckled.

"Okay, who the hell is that guy?" Narvari whispered, glaring at the man.

"Pheleraz Zoleris," said Yanvirrak with clenched teeth.

"Is that Pheera's father?" He looked young, but there was something about his mannerism that made it seem he was older than he actually looked.

Yanvirrak shook his head. "Older brother."

"Her brother?"

Yanvirrak nodded. "Pheleraz is the oldest of five. Pheera is the youngest."

Pheera did mention she had other siblings. Although Narvari had wanted to know more, she never asked Pheera about it. She didn't want to bring up her traumatic past anymore. Narvari wished she knew what Pheera's family had put her through. Did Pheleraz have anything to do with Pheera's traumatic past? If he did, she would not forgive him. She already didn't like the man based on how disrespectful he was being towards Trixan and Draghein School. How Trixan could be so calm listening to Pheleraz was beyond Narvari.

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