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One hour earlier

Nothing seemed out of order in the school, yet Zmeron could still not shake off the unsettling feeling of something going terribly wrong. Maybe he was just getting more nervous because Trixan was not here. She always made the school feel safe with her mere presence. Besides, he couldn't get his mind off that feeling of being watched yesterday. He had not felt it anymore, but it still made him feel uneasy. He had always trusted his instincts, so he didn't take this lightly. Even after ensuring that everything was running smoothly, he headed to the control room.

"Zemeron." Daneed, the supervisor of the control room, nodded at him. Missions for vanquishers all came to the control room, and Daneed and his team were responsible for dispatching the right vanquishers for the job. "Is everything alright?" asked Daneed.

Zemeron's gazed at the numerous screens on the wall. He wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for, but if there was aspy in the school, they couldn't stay hidden forever. "Have you noticed anything odd?"

"No. " Daneed rapidly typed something on his keyboard, and live videos of various parts of the school zoomed on the largest screen on the wall. "There's nothing to worry about."

A few vanquishers trained in the various classrooms of the Academy. Some vanquishers chatted by the water fountain right outside the Junior Quarters. Two rookies sat on the stairs eating some snacks.

"Go to Rahsun," he said.

Daneed complied.

Zemeron raised a brow. So that's where those kids went, he thought. Early in the morning, Zemeron had seen Yanivrrak, Pheera, and Narvari hurrying off somewhere. It seemed they had come to the forest and from how silently they stood listening to the shirtless Servin Rahalan, it was clear that Servin was teaching them. This was still normal. Maybe he was indeed being paranoid.

"Zemeron, look."

There, on the screen, someone stood right outside the High Supulchre. Daneed zoomed the video.

"Is that Edicles?" asked Daneed. "What's he doing there?"

Zemeron frowned. The High Sepulchre was the only place in Draghein School forbidden to everyone but the Elder. The entire security system of Draghein School was in the High Sepulchre and only Trixan Yvis had the means to enter. Why would Edicles Hogmen go there? He was a class three vanquisher. He should know better.

Edicles fished out a black device from his pocket and pressed it on the security scanner affixed beside the large door.

"What's he doing?" Zemeron whispered.

His questions were answered a few seconds later when thegiant doors swung wide open and Edicles walked inside.

Zemeron's face paled. "What in the seven hells."

"He breached it," said Daneed. "But how?"

The same questions baffled Zemeron's mind. Whatever device Edicles had used must have imitated Trixan's DNA. What was Edicles up to? No need to think about that. He had to stop Edicles now.

"Keep an eye out, Daneed."

With that said, Zemeron quickly activated the portal function on his xuul and the portal appeared before him. He stepped through, suddenly appearing just outside the High Sepulchre. He slipped inside the tower just before the door shut.

Zemeron shielded his eyes to get accustomed to the onslaught of brilliant shield rays surging through the crystal shield beam. The red, white, and blue lights traveled all the way to the top of the tower, out of the glass dome ceiling.

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