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Narvari belched loudly as soon as she finished her last slice of pizza. Eight stacks of large pizza boxes and twelve empty cans of soft drinks were scattered haphazardly on the large wooden table.

She rubbed her belly. Ah, she was stuffed. Never had she eaten so much in her life. When she and Zemeron had walked out of the portal they had ended up right here in this room.

He wasn't the most welcoming host, but at least he gave her the food she asked for. And each time Zemeron returned to see if she was done eating, she would ask him to bring more. He never complained though he didn't look thrilled to be chaperoned around like that. Narvari didn't care.

Now that she was no longer dying of hunger or exhaustion, she decided to observe her surroundings. She was alone in a wide rectangular room. There were wall cameras situated at all four corners of the room while a glass wall was facing her. If someone had been watching her the whole time, they would have been mortified at the way she ate.

It seemed she had been brought to an interrogation room. Was she really under arrest?

Was she here because she was unlicensed? That was just ridiculous. Were they saying she should have let Stein get away with what he did? Or maybe she should have called the police on the demon-possessed super-human. Yes, that made sense. That made a lot of sense.

She clenched her fist. This was some bullshit.

Narvari glanced at the glass wall in front of her but all she saw was her reflection. She had a feeling anyone looking from outside could see her.

In hindsight, following Zemeron might have been a terrible idea. But part of the reason she came back was that she felt she could trust Trixan. There was something about the Elder that made Narvari want to trust her.

Narvari froze as she suddenly thought of something. With all these strange powers these people had, wasn't it possible that Trixan might have put that feeling of trust in her? She shuddered. It didn't sound too far-fetched though.

Pheera put her to sleep with a single touch so who knew what the Elder herself was capable of. Would Trixan do that to her though? Although the Elder wanted Narvari to join Draghein School however she still let Narvari go home. Shouldn't that be enough reason to trust her?

Narvari shut her eyes and shook her head. She was being so paranoid. This was not like her at all. But after everything she had experienced, was she really being paranoid?

Was coming back a bad idea? But as the image of an ebony beauty with the most beautiful smile Narvari had ever seen emerged in her mind, she didn't think coming back was all that bad. She wondered if she would see Pheera again.

Shit. Narvari hit the table with a balled fist. Was she thinking about Pheera right now? How stupid was that? She was being held as a prisoner in a place she didn't even know and all she could think about was seeing a girl, who by the way, made her do things against her will.

What if she was thrown into prison for breaking their law and never let out? Did she need a lawyer? How would she find her father if she got imprisoned? Anana asked her not to hate her father. Finding Yabaga was the only way she could get the closure she needed to keep her from hating him sooner or later.

Could she ever forgive her father for lying to her about her mother? The thought of wanting to be with her mother had never crossed Narvari's mind. It was difficult longing for something one never had.

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