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The demon sauntered toward Pheera like an apex predator. “I wonder what the heart of a vanquisher tastes like. I want a taste.”

Narvari tightened her fists. The demon was not bluffing, she was certain of it. She had to do something. She couldn’t just sit back like a coward and watch everyone die. That was not her. She was not one to back down from a fight no matter how impossible it was to win.

She could not let the wraith lord kill the demon hunters. They were the only thing standing between the demon and Sharmandi’s safety. If those three died, so would everyone else. Narvari could not let that happen. There was only one thing left to do.

“Wait.” Narvari’s voice shook. She crawled from behind her hiding place.

She gulped as the demon’s red eyes bore into her. What the hell was she doing? This was a terrible idea. There was no way she could fight that demon. Narvari could not remember the last time she had been this afraid in her life. The fear overpowered her so much that she wished the ground would simply open up and swallow her whole.

But could she just sit back and let this happen? She could not. She would not. Narvari painfully dragged herself towards the demon. Now she was the only thing standing between Pheera and the wraith lord.

“There she is. Little Shar.” His eyes narrowed in disdain. “I thought you ran like a coward.”

“I don’t know who you are.” Narvari forced the fear out of her voice. “But it seems you want me to leave them alone. Leave Sharmandi alone and I’ll come with you. Please.”

“Hey, stand back. It’s not safe.” Azmel’s voice came from behind her. She ignored him, her eyes fixated on the demon instead.

The demon chuckled. “How noble, Little Shar. But it is such foolishness to assume I want you alive. All I want is to hear you scream in pain as you beg me to end your life. That is the will of my master. My master gets what he wants.”

“Why are you doing this? What did we ever do to your master, huh? What did Sharmandi ever do to you?”

“You know what, you’re all about to die anyway so I’ll indulge you. Master Stein doesn’t give a damn about Sharmandi. What he wants are the four-tusks elephants. But you people defied him.” He shrugged. “So now you’re all going to pay with your worthless lives.”

Narvari’s heart raced. She gaped at the demon in shock. Bazwu? What did the four-tusk elephants have to do with this? What was going on?

Suddenly Narvari recalled Tsalaga’s warning. Was this what Tsalaga meant when he said the man after the bazwu was dangerous? But this was no man. This was a whole demon.

Wait. Was her nation in peril because of the bazwu? Had her grandmother and best friend lost their lives because some bastard wanted their bazwu for himself? Narvari’s balled fists trembled even more violently than before. The fear slowly evaporated from her body. In its place came something else. It clawed out from the deepest part of her core and consumed her like wildfire. It was murderous rage and it incinerated her fear into ash. All Narvari wanted to do was tear this demon and the master who sent him from limb to limb.

“I’m going to kill you, demon.”

The demon roared in laughter. “That’s the spirit, Little Shar. Give in to the rage and come to me. Let’s see how long you can last my torture.”

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