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We spent another hour together, talking about good memories. At some point he returned to work, but we continued to sit together. I didn't feel out of place. I felt comfortable and had leaned on his shoulder as I observed the room. He'd insisted I wasn't in his way and that if I had nothing better to do that, I could just be there with him and every now and then, in-between work emails and paperwork we had small chats. It was nice. It was comfortable and comforting.

It was nice to feel trust and comfort in someone after my mother had made me feel like I was just a roommate. I felt more love from a practical stranger that I had known for a few days than I did from my mother who had been around me for 20 years. It was disappointing. Parents were disappointing.

Somehow in the midst of my pity party I had begun to fall asleep. Minho's shoulder was soft and steady and without even realising it, I was drifting off. I'd only realised I was falling asleep when I heard Minho whisper to somebody to pass him a pillow, that he put under my head as he laid me down on the couch.

It was a comfortable couch. Much better than the bench at the police station. When I awoke the room was dim and completely empty. I started to feel guilty for making Minho leave his office because I had fallen asleep. He had laid his blazer over me to keep me warm and had put a cushion under my head. After a couple of minutes of adjusting and waking up fully, I noticed a murmur of voices coming from the room next door. It sounded like arguing more than discussing anything.

Preparing myself for a possibly awkward encounter, I got up and made my way out of the office and towards the havoc. I could hear voices on top of one another arguing over something. The door to the grand living room was ajar, so I quietly tip toed towards it before walking in. All their heads turned in my direction but only for a second before they returned to arguing with one another.

"Hey, come sit here." Minho moved a little so I could sit beside him.

"Where have you been?" Jin peered in beside me from his chair, with a cheeky smile that I had realised I missed. His face alone made me smile.

"Where have you been?" I asked him, making him chuckle. His cheeks suddenly turned red, and he looked embarrassed.

"What's going on?" I leaned closer to Minho, but I was somehow overheard by everyone.

"Minho's apartment in Seoul was broken into. We're trying to decide if this is a coincidence and the people who murdered your father are using the commotion to break in and take what they need or if it's just a fan that wanted to see him or take something that's personal to sell or brag about." Jae-beom began explaining. "If it's just a fan than potentially there is nothing to worry about, but if it's the BMG than I would suggest to go into lockdown to be completely secure, before easing the lockdown as we see fit."

"But this is exactly like last year. Last year Minho's picture was published, we had a surge in activity, all his social media blew up and now again. Both Minho and Jin, both social media blowing up and some surge in fan activity. Besides, we are in the UK." Yoongi argued back. He looked frustrated, as if he'd been trying to convince Jae-beom for a while to avoid the lockdown.

"I want to be as safe as possible, especially with Sunny here, so you need to come to a decision." Jin's tone was stricter than I had ever heard it. He seemed frustrated. It was strange to see them being so dysfunctional and I began to wonder why they didn't meet in the middle.

"Surely they could just do a week lockdown and then adjust according to the activity around the house and the information they gather from Korea." I leaned closer to Minho whispering, but I wasn't quiet enough.

"What did you say?" Yoongi questioned, looking over at Minho and me.

"I agree with her." I.M's voice was instantly recognisable. I shifted in my seat, trying to look for him around the room, but I didn't want to look obvious. I noticed him in the corner of my eye and his eyes met mine instantly.

"What did she say?" Yoongi turned to I.M as I timidly sank into my seat, practically hiding behind Minho.

"She said we should just do a weeklong lockdown and then adjust according to the activity around the house." I.M. repeated what I had said to Yoongi and his eyes fell onto Jae-beom. They both seemed to quietly agree that the idea was halfway between theirs.

Jae-beom turned to look at me and I felt like using Minho's body as a shield. Why do I speak? Everyone sat in silence for a minute, waiting for Jae-beom's decision.

"Fine, let's do it. I'll sort out the maids and cleaners that will stay. Three of us will stay in the house and the other three will fly to Korea." Everyone seemed to agree, and the meeting was over. You're welcome, I guess? Everyone dispersed and Minho returned to his office, leaving Jin and I still sitting on the couch.

A whole week of this house and this house only. Not like I had anywhere to go or anything to do. But with Jin and Minho still working remotely, I was bound to be bored. My phone still had no SIM card, but thankfully I had my iPad and could still watch something if I fancied to.

"Did you sleep well? Minho said you looked tired this morning." Jin inquired.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep, but I slept well. Where were you this morning?" I smiled. He turned his head to look at me with a smirk on his face, before shaking his head. I knew not to ask anything further.

At some point Jin had turned on the television and we were unintentionally invested in an action movie that was playing. We hadn't said much to each other, both emersed into the movie. Despite not saying much to each other, it felt like we were bonding.

"We should make some popcorn." Jin said, without breaking eye contact from the movie.

"I'll go get it." I agreed, quickly hopping off the couch and walking out into the hall. I headed for the kitchen; I could see the doors at the end of the hall. Suddenly the doors burst open and I.M walked out of the kitchen. Without even thinking about it, I quickly ran over to the opposite corner that was covered by a shadow and where he wouldn't see me. He walked past me as if nothing happened, as I tried to stay still and quiet.

After our embarrassing and awkward encounter at my mother's house, I didn't fancy seeing him all on my own. We were too awkward together and the less I reminded him of what happened the quicker he was bound to forget about it.

I waited until I heard a door close, before going into the kitchen to get our popcorn. I'm such a child. I should have just said hello and continued walking.

I returned with the popcorn, and we spent the evening in front of the television. Jin had left a couple of times to answer his phone and I was worried that he was forcing himself to hang out with me instead of doing whatever he wanted to do, but each time he left, he returned with a smile and sank back into his seat beside me, watching the movie intently. I didn't want to question him, and I certainly didn't want to sit there on my own.

Before I knew it, it was midnight, and I was waking Jin and telling him to go to bed. He hugged me goodnight, which felt natural, and I instantly felt closer to him.

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