Night View

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I felt a sharp turn, ripping my eyes wide open, making me hold onto my seat in an attempt to stay in my seat. We seemed to be in complete darkness for a second with nothing but the beams of the car lighting up the few meters in front of us. As we got onto a main road, I realised we were shadowed by trees on each side and only a long road in front of us.

I couldn't tell if I had slept or not, or how much time had passed. All I knew was that we were still driving, but we were close. Both Yoongi and Inyeop had shifted in their seats, and we were approaching some light ahead. The car slowed and we approached a large black gate. We came to a stop, just waiting for a second as the gates began to open. We slowly drove into a pebble covered driveway with coups of flowers in a shape of a larger flower down the middle of the driveway, almost making it into a roundabout. Two other cars were parked up by the edges of the driveway, as we drove up to the entrance of a mansion. Perhaps not really a mansion, but a giant house that you've only seen in Home Alone or a real estate reality show.

Every window was alight by a soft yellow light. The doors were slowly opening and both Yoongi and Inyeop were getting out of the car, but I was too blinded by the beautiful house to even notice. Yoongi opened my door, awakening me into the reality of actually entering the beautiful house. I slowly got out of the car, feeling my hands instantly wrap around the sleeves of my cardigan to protect them from the cold as well as gain some control over my anxiety.

What Kdrama is this?

In a blink of an eye, I was standing in a grand room with a chandelier the size of my whole bedroom. Several faces were in front of me, and their eyes were on me as my eyes travelled from one wall to the next. From the chandelier to the art pieces on the wall and the flowers on the marble counters.

"Miss Choi, welcome. My name is Lim Jae-beom. I am the head of our private security team – Amity." The tall man, in an identically black suit bowed, before extending his hand for me to shake.

"Annyeong haseyo." I shook his hand, bowing as well. His hair was longer than anyone else's. He looked older than most of them, yet still youthful and way too young to be the chief of anything. I expected an old, grey-haired man with a greasy moustache and a beer belly. He was handsome.

"I would like to formally apologise for the inconvenience that took place at the King Cross police station. Our team worked as quickly as possible to get you out of there. I deeply apologise for anything that you endured while in their custody." He bowed, staying still for an extra second, which was usually a sign of respect in Korea, but I didn't care about the had been, gone by hours, I had more pressing questions.

"Detective Hussain said that the DNA test results were conclusive, which to my understand would mean that I matched the DNA of the person whose identity is being stolen? Could you explain how the results were read because it was very confusing. Also, Mr Hwang mentioned something about my father and my brother and information that you would provide me with once I arrived." I felt overwhelmed and the words were pouring out of me without even a breath. Jae-beom's head snapped at Inyeop at the mention of my father and brother, before he inhaled a deep breath.

"Eomeo..." I heard someone gasp lightly from behind Jae-beom, making us all turn our heads in his direction.

"What?" Inyeop's expression suddenly fell short of his attitude and his doe eyes stared across the room at the man standing behind Jae-beom.

"Wooyoung?" Jae-beom enquired confused.

"I might have messed up. I told Inyeop hyung that we were doing a trial run."

"Mwo?! Trial run?! Your name is really Miss Choi?"

"My name is Sujung Min-sun Choi, yes." I confirmed as Inyeop's eyes widened increasingly with every second and it looked as though he was ready to collapse onto the floor.

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