I'm in Trouble

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The test had commenced with some saliva and some hair, before I was moved into a smaller cell with a bench for a bed and a towel for a duvet. Only 23 hours and 34 minutes to go. I watched the clock on the wall tick away as I sat on the edge of the bench and wondered what I had done to deserve this.

I was a good person, a good daughter, a good stepdaughter, a good friend. I couldn't recall ever causing anyone any harm, not physically anyway. I had no karma coming after me that I was aware of. Certainly not of this magnitude. My mother will kill me. She really will think that I had stolen someone's identity and tried to scam someone. For the love of God, could this get worse?

If I ever get out, I need to remember to buy that hummus mother asked me for. 22 hours to go.

Should I get a pay as you go SIM card or a contract? Can I commit to a contract with no job prospect in sight? I suppose if I did it online and provided valid card details with enough money for the first month, I could just figure out the rest later. 20 hours to go.

I wonder if they are actually misspelling my name and this is all for nothing. I would love to meet the person that has my exact name. 17 hours to go.

That clock is a bit crooked. I wonder if that noise I can hear is just a really old fan or if it's one of the police officers snoring. Why am I the only one here? Don't they have any other criminals? 15 hours to go.

Jesus why are they so loud. I am exhausted, even this bench is starting to look appealing. If only they would just shut up. I hate drunks – it's a Tuesday, what is there to celebrate? 13 hours to go.

My mother must be out of her mind, looking and worrying about me. She's going to kill me when she finds out where I spent the night. 12 hours and 30 minutes to go.

I think I broke my back... and my neck. I'm so thirsty. 4 hours to go.

How does this feel so natural all of a sudden. I'm only mildly annoyed and almost amused by this. I know the test will come back negative. I certainly haven't spent my year in Korea stealing somebody's identity just to return to the UK and open a damn bank account. 2 hours to go.

Any minute now.

Any minute.

I'm starving. I am definitely buying breakfast before going home. I'll need the energy to explain to my mother what the hell happened before being scolded for either making up lies or stealing people's identities. 2 hours late.

What I would do for some lunch and a coffee right now. 4 hours late.

Do they remember I am still in here? It's nearly 5 PM. Where the hell is this damn test? 6 hours and 30 minutes late.

"Miss Choi?" Hearing my name being called from outside the cell, washed my body in a cold sweat. My heart leaped into my throat at the sight of detective Hussain approaching my cell.

"I hope you are here to open this cell, not to tell me that the results are even later, or worse – inconclusive." I smiled, annoyed, starving, dehydrated and slightly optimistic.

"The test was conclusive, and I would like to deeply apologise." Finally, the apology I had been waiting for that I can't even enjoy because more people are coming...what the fuck?

Two more men in clean black suits followed after detective Hussain. I couldn't tell what was really happening. Was I being handed over to somebody else? Is Hussain sorry because of the inconvenience or because he is handing me over to someone worse?

"Miss Choi. My name is Min Yoongi. This here is my colleague Hwang Inyeop. I would like to apologise on behalf of everyone for this misunderstanding and would like for you to come with us please." The sound of the metal cage door opening made my ears ring. I was afraid to step out. Is this going to be worse or better? What if they're the FBI? The S.I.S.? I am definitely not a master mind criminal. But they do look very official. Both men were Korean and had a Korean accent that I had gotten used to hearing in Korea as well as from my mother's boyfriend.

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