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A knock on my door awoke me. It was fairly strong and loud. It made me jump into a seating position in the fear of someone coming in. But they didn't. There was no more for a minute. I rubbed my eyes and looked around for the clock to check the time. But I was no longer in the police station and there was no clock on the wall. I looked around, reminding myself where I was.

Another knock.

"The protocol dictates that I am to knock three times, if there is no acknowledgment, I am to open the door by any force needed to check on your wellbeing." The voice startled me. It was deep and not one I heard previously.

"How – how do I acknowledge the knock?" I projected my voice as much as I could with sleep still covering my vocal cords.

"Any sign of healthy life will suffice." He replied, before I heard him walk away.

Healthy life. I'm not sure I'm in that category. I laid back closing my eyes and feeling myself slowly fall back asleep. No. I jumped up, forcing my body to sit up. I'm meeting my brother today. I need to get up. I sluggishly made my way to the windows, squinting before opening the blinds and filling the room with light.

Why am I still so tired?

I walked out of my room, slowly descending to the ground floor. The only other room I knew was the room I met Jae-beom in, so that was where I headed. They were all in there, like they were the night before. They all turned around at the sound of my footsteps.

"Miss Choi. Good morning, I hope you slept well. Your brother is here, in his office if you'd like me to take you to him."

"Good morning, everyone, yes please." I bowed with a smile to all the suited men standing in the room. Jae-beom pointed to something on the table before leaving the room to help me find Minho's office. My heart was thundering inside my chest. My palms were sweaty, and I felt a knot form in my throat. I was mortified.

We stopped at a wooden double door. Jae-beom knocked once, before opening the door and allowing me to walk in first.

"Mr Choi," he kept the door open and the man behind the counter nodded, before Jae-beom took his leave, shutting the door behind him.

Minho was sitting behind a large desk at the end of the room, in front of a whole wall of just glass. I could see the green of the garden and the colourful flowers and cherry trees. He had a phone to one ear, while gesturing for me to approach closer like I was there for an interview.

He had black hair with a parted fringe. There was something in his face that I found familiar. Like I had seen him before.

He slammed the phone down, before getting out of his seat with a big smile and coming from behind of his table.

"Sujung, it is a great pleasure to meet you. I have waited a long time." He bowed deeply and I did the same. I couldn't utter anything. The knot in my throat was dry and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"If you brought me here to try and talk me into giving you my share of the will that your dad left me, then you didn't need to do that. You 100% deserve that money and I will sign anything you want. I don't want any of it and I don't want to inconvenience anyone." Another kind of sick. Word vomit. He took a step back at the sound of my harsh projection. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"What? No. I want you to have it. I already set up the account for you and sent the funds to the account. Here." He quickly made his way back around to his desk and picked up a card out of his draw, before handing it to me.

"I want you here." He smiled as I slowly took the card into my trembling hands. "I want to get to know you and tell you about him if you want to know anything. I want to make sure you're safe." He nodded along as he spoke, waiting for me to nod along as well, but I was in a state of shock. I expected the worst. It was easier to expect the worse than to have expectations and be let down.

Bodyguard *FANFIC EDITION*Where stories live. Discover now