Way Back Home

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The day was still young, so once I had some food and drink, I had no choice but to pull myself together and get on with it. I still had Jin's question burning a hole through my chest.

"Sunny, will you be living with us?"

Is that really something I should be considering? Why am I considering it? Why does living with strangers seems so much more appealing than going back to my mother's house? I didn't want to be a burden on Jin and Minho. I didn't belong in their fancy world with maids and security guards. They certainly had space for me, but I didn't want to be in their way, and I didn't want to insult my mother.

We all collected in what can only be described as a giant living room, where I had met the security team the night before. The large chandelier made me feel uncomfortable. I was afraid to be under it, so I sat as out of way of it as possible. Jin sat down beside me, jumping into the seat like a child.

"Do you feel better, Sunny?" He smiled, taking my hand into his, before pressing his fingers against my wrist and listening out for my pulse. It was a strange feeling. He hardly knew me yet cared about me.

"I feel much better, thank you." I smiled and he smiled in return, gently returning my hand onto my lap. He was gentle and kind-hearted. I didn't know him, but I could feel it.

Minho came in last, making us all wait a little while in an awkward silence. Jae-beom was whispering something to his team and I noticed two extra men. They were both tall. One of them had bleached light peach hair. He held his arms behind his back, standing straight like he was in the army. The other had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his blazer was folded over and laid on the edge of a chair. He had jet black hair, jelled side to side. There was a piece of hair that continuously fell over his forehead, and he kept brushing it away. Watching him move made my mouth run dry. He was certainly handsome. They all were. But he looked more distant than the others. There was an attitude about him. His ear was pierced, and he had a hoop earring. He held one had in the pocket of his trousers and stood a lot more casually than the rest.

"Shall we?" Minho took a seat on a couch beside ours. Jae-beom nodded agreeing, before pulling up his chair to sit opposite us and the rest followed. They all had folders in their hands and Jae-beom held a couple of sheets of paper in his hands.

"First and foremost, Miss Choi, I hope you are feeling much better. I will have my team introduce themselves quickly as you haven't met everyone and their preferred titles." He snapped his fingers and one by one they began standing up and bowing to me, before introducing themselves.

"Jung Wooyoung. Nice to meet you. Wooyoung is fine."

"Min Yoongi. We've already met. Yoongi."

"Hwang Inyeop. We also met. Hwang is what everyone calls me."

"Bang Christopher Chan. Pleasure to meet you Miss. Chan, short and simple."

"Im Chang-kyun. Nice to meet you. I.M." The person I had been waiting for got from his seat, adjusting his blazer onto the edge of the seat so it doesn't fall down. He avoided all eye contact, but it certainly wasn't because he was intimidated.

"Feel free to call me Jay, Miss Choi." Jae-beom added on with a smile as the rest finished off their introductions. I smiled with a nod, feeling very singled out.

"I am in contact with detective Lee in Korea, who is the main detective on your fathers' case. He has some leads that unfortunately lead to a potential black-market gang, who are somewhat known to him. Unfortunately, with this information there are mostly bad news. The gang has been around for many years, and it is very difficult to break into or arrest anyone with information. They usually leave no evidence and murder anyone that the police bring into question so there are no loose ends. They have information on some of the gang member but are yet to find the leader. They also found some illegal, black-market material in your father's paperwork and transactions which would warrant him being murdered by the black-market gang. The BMG, like I mention, don't leave any loose ends behind and it's possible that your father was involved with something that has resulted in the BMG tying up the loose end. According to detective Lee, he believes it was gambling. Which would be the best scenario. We wouldn't want him to be involved any deeper than that in order for the BMG not to follow after you. However, we aren't certain yet and more information is yet to come." Jae-beom handed a piece of paper with everything he had just summarised to Minho. Both Minho and Jin listened to him, unfazed. Perhaps they had heard it all before, but to me it was all new, and I could feel my mouth slowly falling open. All I need is for a gang to come after me.

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