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It took real effort to get out of my bed and attempt life. We had just flown in from Korea and I was running on three hours of sleep. There were a million things to do in order to return to normal life. We had spent over a year in Korea, which just lead us back to the UK. Just as I had thought. There was nothing for us in Korea. Perhaps when I was little it was my home, but after years of living in the UK, London was my real home. The wet and cold felt comfortable. I missed the constant clouds and rain.

It was my mother's boyfriend's idea to move to Korea. He had an idea for a business that my mother could finance after getting a pay-out from the job she had due to the company closing. He was like a child she had adopted. Feeding him and buying him things. In some ways he replaced me. Which meant I could spend more time in my bedroom.

I'd managed to crawl out of bed and make my way into Kings Cross. I needed a bank account, now that I was 20 years old, it was about time to get one and look for a job. I had a temp job in Korea, but it paid cash and I mostly worked with English speakers. My Korean hadn't improved as much as my mother had hoped. So truly the trip was a waste.

Joon had insisted that I should also buy some groceries with my hard-earned money that I had left from my job in Korea, because my mother was now broke. He'd wasted her money on gambling and paying off the debts of his failed business. And of course, my mother's only comment was - 'at least we tried'.

I headed for the first large building in my sight with the sign HSBC Bank. Any bank was still a bank and good enough for me. The less I had to walk the better. 

The town was a swarm of busy people travelling, men in suits on their lunch breaks, homeless people lurking by the station and in the corners of alleys and buskers, mostly in the large square in front of the train station, trying their best to make a living. I could hear the drumming coming from the square as I entered the bank. Instantly, any sound from the outside had vanished and the only sound was a quiet murmur of the staff and customers inside. It was peaceful. Somehow, without even knowing it, that was all that I needed. I knew I was in the right place.

A woman in a red shirt approached me with a smile, enquiring how she could help me. She was polite and had an exceptionally soft voice, which made me intimidated. I never liked my voice, so I felt the pressure to match her softness. I explained that I wanted to open a bank account and before I could even finish, she was already guiding me to a secluded table with a glass divider to be private.

"Have you had a bank account before?" She asked sweetly. Propping up her iPad in front of her, before connecting it to a Bluetooth keyboard. She pulled her hair from her face and brushed it over her shoulders so it would be out of her way. I always envied people with light brown or blonde hair. I always wanted to get ombré blonde tips, but my mother would murder me if I did.

"No." I replied with a smile, taking a seat in a cream velvet chair in front of her desk.  My palms were sweaty, and I had hardly said two sentences to her. Anxiety wasn't anything new to me, I just hadn't felt any in the morning and had assumed I perhaps caught a small break.

"Our basic account is completely free and perfect for someone who has never had one before. Unless you're an international student and would like a student account?" She began going through some basics.

"No, just a normal account is fine." I agreed with a nod.

"Okay, great. I need some ID and proof of address." Before she could even finish, I fished out the documents I had brought with me and handed her a sheer folder with my Passport and a letter from our current address. She smiled, taking the folder into her hands and picking out my passport first. She opened it up, looking at my picture and name, before lying it beside her and typing in my name onto her system. She looked back and forth between my passport and the iPad, her light, friendly expression slowly turning into a confused one.

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