Who Are You

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My things were still in boxes, having just moved back from Korea, but we had no space in the car for all of them. I tugged on one, trying to get it closer, but it was too heavy to even move. I looked for an edge of a tape to get it open and after finding it, I ripped it from the box, but it wasn't enough to open with some tape still holding the edges together. My strength was limited, but I had always considered myself to be stronger than other girls. I tugged on the edges, trying to pry it open. I could see I.M chuckling from the corner of my eyes, before coming to my rescue. Unfortunately, much too late as him mocking was all I needed to pull the sides apart. I picked out a bag and began selecting some bits of clothing and stuffing it into the bag.

I picked out a bunch of clothes, dropping them onto my bed so I could just get a bag and stuff them all in quickly without wasting so much time. After a good 10 minutes, I couldn't get my mother out of my head. I had questions burning holes in my head and I had to go ask them.

"Could you help me? I just need to go ask my mother something." I.M voluntarily picked up a bag and began putting the clothes inside.

"Mum, did you – did you refill your prescriptions?" I came to stand beside her, watching her make her favourite stew for Joonie.

"Well, I was going to, but Joonie said I was doing so well without it that maybe I should stay off it. Don't you think? Don't you think I'm doing well?" Her hopeful, childlike eyes were staring into mine and how could I possibly disagree. According to my mother they were just some anti-depressants and mood regulators, but when she took them, she was a different person. She was together. She was strict. She was my mum. The mum I had when I was little.

"Yeah, yeah mum you're doing great. I was just wondering." I smiled. I watched her for another second, blissfully living in her own world and I suppose if she was happy, there was nothing to complain about. I turned around, heading back for my room.

"Joonie was upset you didn't return with those groceries." I chuckled, stopping for a split second.

"Oh, well apologise to him for me, I was only arrested and held overnight." I shook my head as I.M looked up at me from across the door. He seemed surprised, but I couldn't tell by what. My mother? Or had I just startled him by shouting for my mother to hear.

"Don't do that." I heard her say, which made me venture back into the kitchen.

"Don't do what mum? I'm not doing anything. I will apologise to him whenever I see him next." I tried to reassure her, trying to refrain from any more sarcasm. I had accepted a long time ago that Joon was more important to her than I was. It was probably the reason I felt so isolated.

"How is Minho doing? I haven't seen him since he was a baby." My eyes shot up to the back of her head. I stared blankly, trying to catch up with what my mind was trying to figure out and why this sentence seemed so absurd.


"Minho. How is he doing? Is he well?" She turned around to look at me. For the first time she was willingly listening. Waiting for my answer.

"No, I heard you. What do you mean you haven't seen him since he was a baby? When did you see him?"

"He was still tiny when I last saw him. Maybe three, four." Three or four?! My hand travelled up to my chest as a stabbing pain began to travel through my heart.

"Hold on. You - you knew about Minho? You knew I had a brother and chose not to tell me?" I couldn't be angry. I was too astonished to feel anything but shock. How could she had hidden this from me for all these years? I couldn't comprehend what she was telling me.

"Well, I was going to tell you about it when your father died, but there was never a good time to bring it up." When my father died?!

"What are you talking about mum? We were still in Korea when he was murdered and you knew all along and you knew Minho would find out about me and you could have arranged something, anything or you could have told me, and I would have done it myself. What were you thinking?" My tone changed within every word, and I could feel the lump of coal form in my throat. How could she do this to me?

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