"Tom, you need to calm down." My head spins so I grab it with my hand and bring my knees to my chest.
I only realise now that the tears had weld up in my eyes and start running down my cheeks.
"She can't-"I am cut by my own sob and I try not to collapse.
"W-what's h-happening?" I ask, "What's happening, what's happening, what's happening." Over and over again.

"T-"I cover my ears. Everything is too much. And I want everything to stop. She can't die.

What is happening to me?

My side where my ribs are broken starts to hurt, cutting my breathing even more.
I can't breathe, this is too much. It hurts like a bitch.


I breath in a shaky breath but never release it. I involuntary put myself in apnoea, my head feels too heavy my chest moves up and quickly falls down when no air gets back inside my lungs. It happens a second time and a third.
I grab my leg and squeeze the flesh in my hand, but I feel Harrison grab it and lock our hands together, so I have something to grip. My head falls back against the truck and my throat bubs until finally I can take a deep and shaky inspiration.
My beathing is uneven and the tears keep coming.

What is happening?

"Tom please look at me!" I feel Harrison's grab my head and he make me look at him. "She's going to be fine, okay? But if you want to make sure of that pull your shit together"
I nod and bring my hands up to wipe my tears. As I feel my heart and breathing clam down.

After a couple of minutes of him doing breathing exercises with me, I calm down.
"You're okay?"
"Y-Yeah" I tell him. He smiles and then pulls me up.

"I didn't know you were having panic attacks." He says putting a hand on my shoulder. I wipe my nose and look into his eyes.

Panic attack? I had a panic attack?

"Me neither" I try to chuckle to do as if nothing happened, but I can't fool anyone right now.

"Check com" the voice comes from the walkie talkie attached at my waist.
"Hear you loud and clear, get ready to get in. 2 minutes. Team alpha in position."

They're going in.

Y/n pov:

I check if everything is positioned and then run to the front door, seeing the shadows of the agent about to break in. I just have to wait a few seconds.
I prepare myself and in a second the door is pushed in, and agent start to run in.

This is my cue. I let out a small scream running away from them, into the hallways.
"Don't lose her!" One of the shouts. I hear their heavy step behind me. A gun shot is fired, and I see the bullet hole on my right in the wall.
I duck down a little and turn the corner, I let myself fall on the floor I slip under the pile of furniture my brother helped me position to slow them down.

I know it's not going to do a lot and my fears are confirmed when one of them slide easily under it and runs after me.


He fires his weapon at me one but misses me. Not from much.
I reach the door and speed inside the room. I come to a stop when I collide with my brother's chest.
"Now!" He shouts and four men starts to push closed the heavy metal door.
The agent arrives a second to late and can't get in, but we know that won't take long.
"We need to move fast; they are placing the explosive everywhere." One guy watching the camera footage tells us.

"Did the decoys work?" I ask the same man.
"Very well, they are communicating our 'position' to their leader." He replies, staring at the cameras with a big smile.

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