"I'm trusting you won't kill me."

The guy scoffs.

"Only a fool would do that. I'm no fool."

"That's the right answer," I smirk before hanging up the phone.

I reach into my desk drawer and pull out a pair of black gloves and two black guns.

"Sapnap, I'm heading out. I'll be back in 5 hours!"


Night has fallen and an hour later, I'm driving to the address given and stopped at a red light. I notice a black Mercedes which had been following me for the last few miles, pull up right next to me.

I turn my head to the side to peer through the mirror to take a look.

The front windows are darkened but a faint outline of a figure staring at my car is clearly visible.

Now getting followed as a mafia leader isn't uncommon. I just don't want to get followed to this meeting.

As the light turns green, I decide to drive faster, breaking nearly every speed limit.

The car continues to keep up.

The streets darken as I notice several of the lights burned out.

I turn around the block, taking three sharp right turns before dipping down and parking in a garage.

My black gloves grip the steering wheel tightly and I wipe sweat from my brown.

Locking the car, I make my way up the street and to the warehouse, still unable to shake the feeling that I'm being followed.


??? POV

The mafia leader rests his combat boots on the desk and chuckles softly, watching Dream make his way up the street.

Two men in black follow stealthily behind him.

Could this man be any more naive?

Should I help him?

I reach for my phone and make a call.

"Hello?" Y/N asks.

"Hi!" I smile brightly. "Listen, you know Dream?"

"Yeah what about him?" There's the sound of rustling papers, followed by her yelling at her cat. "C/N! Don't chew that!"

I chuckle softly.

"Anyways, he called me with an offer, asking if I wanted to help take you down. I gave him an address to meet me to see what he has to say."

Y/N stays silent as I peer out the window again. Dream appears to be checking his phone as the two men are waiting behind a pillar farther up the street.

"So he's walking here now but he's being followed by two men, I assume from a rival mafia. What do you think? Should I help him?"

"As in helping him kill me or help him evade this situation?" she asks.

I laugh so much that I hit my knee on the desk with a bang.

"No! Help him out of this situation! Did you really think I'd actually help him kill you N/N?!" I wheeze out. 

"I don't know," she says. "Your reputation of betrayal is hard to ignore."

"Wow," I laugh sarcastically, watching Dream get tackled by the two men. "When have I ever betrayed you?"



I watch Dream shoot at one man but the other grabs his gun and forces him against the wall.

"Well," Y/N pauses. "Is he actually in trouble now?"

"Uh," I crane my neck over the window sill and witness Dream getting knocked out. "Yeah, they just knocked him out."

"Really?" Y/N scoffs. "The leader of the second most powerful mafia getting taken out by two men?"

"Hey, I'm just spectating," I smile as Dream is dragged off into a car. "Anyways, both of them have an L encased in a paw print on the backs of their jackets. Which means he's been taken by the Lions Mafia."

Y/N laughs so hard over the phone I have to put it down to avoid going deaf.

"They are the fifth most powerful mafia in the world! How did Dream not even hurt one of them?!"

"Surprise attack?" my lips curl into a smile as the car drives away. "Well they're taking him to their base I assume. What should we do?"

"You have done enough, thank you," Y/N says. "Let's wait a bit to see what they do. Maybe I'll pay them a, visit."

"Helping your enemy?" I snort. "Doesn't seem like you."

"Who said anything about helping?" I can hear her smirk over the phone. "No doubt the Lions Mafia will be trying to bribe the Nightmare Mafia for his safe return. I wonder how much they'll be willing to pay if he was in the hands of his rival?"

"Sometimes I think you're the same innocent, sweet girl I grew up with," I laugh. "But then I remember that you're truly something different."

"You always know how to flatter me," she replies. "Thanks for the tip Blade, I'll be sure to tell him who it came from."

"No problem," I smile. "Take care Y/N. Send me some of his corpse when you're finished."

I hang up as the door to my office opens.

A man with blonde hair blue wearing a green robe with a green and white striped bucket hat stands there.

"What is it, Phil?" I ask.

"Tommy started a fire using two pencils he rubbed together. Wilbur used it to light some TNT and destroy his toys."

I press my fingers to my forehead, trying to hold back a smile.

"Why don't you handle this, Dad."


1,472 words

I'm a sucker for Techno stories. It only makes sense he owns his own mafia too.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

Mafia King and Queen - Dream x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora