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Brooklyn's POV

I let out a breath as I stared at the wall, bored out of my mind. I didn't have any books, and there was absolutely nothing to do.

I was at the doctor's office. They'd said I was fine, I just needed to rest. No internal damage or anything, thankfully. Although, they also told me to come back if I felt any pain. These doctors haven't treated a human before, so they're basing what they diagnose me with to werewolves.

"Can I please leave?" I practically begged the doctor the moment he walked in the door.

He chuckled. "Yup, you're good to go. Be careful."

I nodded and hopped off the cot, quickly exiting the room and wondering what Jax was doing. 

He had taken me to the doctor and left immediately, saying he had urgent work to do. I wasn't concerned - he's an alpha, he probably has lots of work - but I missed him.

I know where his office is now, so I could always visit him...

Nah. He's busy.

But I really want to...

A quick visit wouldn't hurt...

I'm sure he wouldn't mind, right? 

Isn't it normal for mates to constantly be with each other?

With my mind made up, I walked down the hall, up some stairs, and finally came to Jax's office. I knocked on the door, wondering absently if he could smell me through the door.

"Come in." He said, sounding annoyed. Maybe this was a bad idea. He's probably busy.

But I couldn't leave now.

I opened the door and his eyes widened when he saw me. Something seemed off about him, though.

"Hi." I said simply.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, now directing part of his annoyance at me. I definitely should have come.

"I just missed you, but I can leave your alone if your busy." I said, feeling bad. I shouldn't have interrupted. 

"Yeah. I'll see you later, maybe." 

I nodded and exited, wondering what was different about him. I couldn't figure it out, but something was odd. Off. 

A guard drove me home silently, refusing to speak to me even when I tried to make conversation. 

I let out a breath as I laid on my bed, repeating Jax's and my short conversation in my head. Whatever was different was bugging me.


Sitting at the dinner table, my mom started taking about Jax. "I'm so grateful for Jax finding you."

I had tried to avoid the subject of my capture, but this I was fine with. "Yeah, he's amazing. I love him."

We all froze. My mom and dad's eyes widened as I sat in shock. Did I just-

Yeah, I did.

Do I?


I think I do.

No, I know I do.

"Don't-don't say anything to anyone." I said quickly. "I want to be able to tell him."

My parents agreed, looking extremely happy and proud. 

For the rest of dinner, I ate in silence. I love Jax. I love my mate. Truly and completely. 

I want to spend the rest of my life with him. 

That night, in my room, I felt physical longing for Jax. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms. Wake up in them. 

I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.


In the morning, I was still longing for Jax. I missed him. So much.

I picked up my phone and decided to text him. You busy?

I stared at the phone, unable to look away for several minutes until his reply finally came. No. Can I come visit you?

My heart soared. Yes! I get to see him! Of course 😊 

See you soon

My lips turned into a smile. I'm extremely happy to know he's coming over. I can finally see him. Kiss him. Hug him. It'll be amazing.

It was only a couple minutes before Jax was here. Something about him was still off, and I still didn't know what it was.

"Jax!" I said happily, tilting my head up and standing on my toes to press my lips to his. At the last second, he turned his head so I only kissed his cheek.

I pulled back, hurt, and he looked anywhere but at me. "Can we talk?"

"Sure." I said, confused. 

We sat on the couch and he shifted slightly away from me. It was completely unnecessary - we weren't even touching - and sent a spike of pain through my heart.

Jax opened his mouth to say something but closed it, looking slightly pained. 

I stayed silent, giving him time to tell me what's wrong. There's definitely something, and I wish he would just tell me what it is. 

"Brooklyn..." He even said my name differently. "I- this isn't working out."

I froze, shock filling me. "W-What?"

"We need to stop this." He said, staring pointedly at the wall. "It's over."

I felt broken. My breakup before coming here was nothing compared to this. I thought that was bad? That was like stubbing your toe compared to being stabbed multiple times in the heart with a sharp object.

I wrapped my arms around me, feeling like I was breaking into pieces. Everything was crashing down around me. This high I'd been riding had plummeted, and I was going to have to deal with the aftermath.

We'd never even made anything official. I hadn't been able to tell him the three words that I discovered were true at dinner. 

I came here to get away from my ex. To create a new life. To run away from my problems. But now, I'd rather do just about anything than have this horrible pain inside me.

Jax left silently. After he passed through the door, I curled up in a ball on the couch and cried.

I don't know how long I stayed there. I didn't feel anything except pain and brokenness. 

I do know that, at one point, my parents came home. They saw and heard me immediately and tried to ask me questions. I didn't respond, so my dad carried me to my bed.

I eventually cried myself to sleep. 


I'm not happy with this chapter, and not just because it's sad. I might change it later.




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