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Brooklyn's POV

After doing my very best to break out of this car while blindfolded, someone had came and handcuffed me to a seat. The only thing I could think of was Jax and my parents. Hopefully, they'd realize that I was missing soon. 

What if I never saw them again? Never kissed Jax again, or made our relationship official? Never hug my parents again, or tell them I loved them one more time?

I whimpered softly as I tried to get slightly comfortable with the cold metal handcuffs digging into my skin.


After who knows how many hours, the car stopped driving. I heard the door open and recoiled, lashing out with my foot to try and kick the person. They caught my foot with ease, uncuffed me, and took my inside while physically holding me still.

I tried screaming around the gag until someone slapped me again, probably leaving a mark. I would know, being blindfolded and kidnapped and all.

My blindfold and gag were torn off and I blinked several times as my eyes got used to the dim lightly, which was better than the utter blackness from before.

I was in a stone room, probably a basement, with no windows. It was freezing down here.

I was cuffed to one of those things where I was handing from the ceiling by my cuffed arms, with my legs also cuffed to the floor. Since I'm obviously not tall enough to touch the ceiling, they had wire that they connected each cuff to that hung a couple feet off the ceiling.

It looked extremely similar to the thing used in Teen Wolf on the werewolves when they were captured.

I ignored the pain of the handcuffs digging into my wrists and stared at my captor, the guy who first grabbed me.

He had black hair, a jawline that could give me a paper cut, a light stubble on his chin, and an extremely muscular body.

"What do you want?" I snapped, struggling slightly against the contraption keeping me in place.

"I want your mate's pack." He growled. "And you're going to help me get it."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed.

He raised an eyebrow. "I didn't say willingly, did i?"

I clenched my jaw and struggled harder, feeling blood fall down my forearms as the cuffs cut into my skin.

The guy smirked as another guy came in, holding a cell phone. I immediately realized that he was filming me and struggled harder. "Don't come, Jax! It's a trap!" I yelled, and the main guy's smirk widened.

"Hm, I wonder what your mate will think when he sees this?" He whispered, moving forward and grabbing my jaw to hold me in place while he kissed my firmly.

I tried to pull back but the guy held me in place for several more seconds before grinning. "Well, Jax, imagine all the things I could do to her."

Before I could react, the guy gripped my shirt and completely ripped it off before dropping it on the floor. Unable to move my arms to cover myself - even if only my bra was showing - I continued pulling at the cuffs to get free.

"All the possibilities." Main Guy smirked, running a finger down the side of my face while I tried to jerk away. 

He turned back to the camera. "Maybe I should remove her bra next, hmm?"

The camera guy ended the video, presumably sending it to Jax, and I shivered violently as the cold air started getting to me, praying and hoping that Jax didn't come after me. The last thing I wanted was for him to be in danger.

Jax's POV

My phone beeped with a message from an unknown number. It was a video. I narrowed my eyes and clicked on it before standing up so abruptly my chair fell over. Brooklyn was attached to some contraption thingy that held her hands up and legs down so she couldn't move, but she was trying anyways.

I didn't even consider doing as Brooklyn said and leaving her there, especially when that scum kissed her. I could tell Brooklyn was trying to get away, but the guy wouldn't let her. 

Anger rushed through me, that only increased when he ripped her shirt off. Werewolves had decency, and would never do this. Judging by what he's doing, he's most likely a rouge.

Possibly from the rogue group that had been occasionally attacking our border guards.

Just imagine what I could do to her.

Maybe I should remove her bra next, hmm?

Only I should ever see her in this little clothing, and then only when she's completely comfortable with it and willing. Not when some rouge tears off her clothing.


It's been a day.

One day that felt like years.

I haven't slept for over 24 hours. My men and I have been constantly trying to find Brooklyn. 

Me phone beeped again, from the same number. Another video.

Brooklyn was attached to the same poles, but almost everything else was different. For starters, her lips were blue and she was shivering violently as she was still in only a bra and shorts. Her arms had blood dripping down them from the cuffs. 

Her body and parts of her face were bruised. Someone had been hurting her. She looked exhausted and was hanging limply from the poles. 

The same guy was back. This time, he raised a wand-like device made out of metal that I instantly recognized. It was used a torture device for werewolves, who could stand the much larger doses of electricity it shocked you with than humans. It looked like he'd toned the voltage down so it wouldn't kill her, but it would eventually.

As I watched with clenched fists he raised the wand and held it against her stomach for several seconds while her body spasmed. When he finally took it away, it broke my heart to see that she didn't even react, other than her body's uncontrollable shaking. 

I snarled viciously as he tilted her head to both sides, as if examining her. "I've been shocking her very hour." He said, looking extremely proud of himself. "How much more do you think she can take? She is human, after all."

I growled and would've thrown my phone through the wall if I didn't know I had to see what he did to her if it meant I could meet him somewhere and kill him to rescue Brooklyn.

"Jax." Brooklyn whimpered softly, breaking my heart all over again. "Don't..come." She said weakly. Her body physically couldn't take much more.

"I know I said the bra would be next, but I think I'd rather do something else." The guy said evilly.

He pulled a knife out of his pocket and I growled fiercely, clenching the fist that didn't have the phone in it. I'm positive my eyes were pure black, and have been the entire time.

The guy used his knife to cut an address into her stomach while she screamed in pain. He pulled back while she caught her breath, whimpering, and growled, "Be here tomorrow, or your little girlfriend is a goner."


This time, it went from 10 to 100. I hope the violence wasn't too graphic or too badly written, I'm not used to writing torture - normally, the person fights back.

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