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Brooklyn's POV

Am I overreacting?

I don't know. I feel upset and terrified and betrayed and hurt and...sad.

Maybe I am. Maybe I should suck it up and get on with my life.

Or maybe I'm not. Maybe I should do what I feel like because I'm upset.

I'm still scared of Jax. Wether he meant to or not, he hurt me and trashed my house. That was the most terrifying moment in my entire life. I was absolutely positive that I was about to die.

I don't know how to feel anymore. It's so hard to be afraid of him when I can inhale his scent, feel his heartbeat and breathing, feel how carefully he holds me. Protectively, but delicately. As if I'm easily breakable - which, compared to him, I guess I am.

But, whenever I think back to when he cornered me, or punched through the wall beside my head, or threw the chair, or broke down the door, or threw the vase, I'm absolutely terrified. 

"Don't do that again." I whispered, knowing Jax could hear me.

"I won't." He said softly, and I rested the side of my head on his shoulder so I could stare at the side of his face. Bonus: the glass isn't stabbing further into me.

For several seconds, I stared at his hair, debating running my fingers through it. I really, really wanted to. 

Slowly, I started playing with the strands closest to me. Jax out a purr-like noise, which I assumed was how werewolves expressed contentment.

I let out a soft breath, trying to move the left side of my face as little as possible. I was finding it harder and harder to keep my eyes open. The exhaustion was really taking a toll on me.

Earlier, I fell asleep for half a second and immediately had a nightmare.

And, of course, it just had to be about Jax while he was holding me. So, I'm sure he's upset - or will be - about that, which makes me sad. I don't want him to be upset.

And now, I'm worried about having nightmares. Combined with whatever kept me awake last night, I may be doomed. One day without sleep, I can barely manage. Two? Three? Even more? There's no way.

I yawned and let out a breath, fighting sleep. The last thing I wanted was to immediately have another nightmare - especially one about Jax - when he was literally carrying me.

"You know I have legs, right?" I said, knowing that walking would probably help me wake up.

He smiled. "Yeah, they're gorgeous legs."

I rolled my eyes, but wasn't really annoyed. "I meant, I am perfectly capable of walking."

"Yup." He said, popping the 'p.' "I'd rather carry you."

"Don't your arms get tired?"

"Nope." He said popping the 'p' again. "Werewolf, remember? You're way too light to even make a difference."

I sighed and gently pressed my lips to Jax's neck. Apparently, being sleep-deprived makes me bold.

I felt Jax tense and a light shiver run through him. A smile overtook my face as I moved up his neck slowly, lightly pressing my lips to his skin over and over.

"I think I like it when you're sleep deprived." He murmured.

I wasn't even surprised that he could tell how tired I was. "Mm. Maybe I should stare at the ceiling all night again tonight."

"I also need my Luna to be able to function." He said, smiling slightly while I froze.

Jax stopped walking. We were almost at the pack house now. "What is it?" He asked worriedly.

I just shook my head. "Nothing, just thought of something."

He raised an eyebrow as he continued walking, definitely curious.

"It's nothing." I repeated, and Jax let out a small breath.

"You can tell me anything." He said, and I smiled lightly.

"I know."

We walked into the pack house and I glanced around the castle-hotel hybrid structure. I may have seen it before, but it's still so gorgeous to me.

We got too many weird stares to count and I focused on not falling asleep, trying to not think about all the wolves judging me.

Their...future Luna.

...How am I, a weak human, supposed to be a Luna?!

When Jax called me 'his Luna' it made me think.

Firstly, he called me 'his' which brought butterflies to my stomach. Secondly, the whole Luna thing.

Jax walked through the hallways purposefully, the opposite of how my family and I were my first time here. He walked into a darkly colored room with hospital cots lining against the walls and medical supplied behind glass cases.

He laid me on a bed and I let out a breath as three - yes, three - rushed over and stared poking and prodding all over.

I let out a breath and adjusted how I was sitting on the bed. "Look, I just need this glass removed."

Two doctors rushed to get supplies silently while the other inspected my head. "No brain damage." He said after a second. "It didn't go deep enough. Might leave a scar, though."

Jax let out a growl, and I could tell he was angry at himself. I'd have a permanent reminded of this night.

"She'll need stitches." He announced, taking tweezers from a tray of supplies a nurse was holding.

I winced as he pulled out the glass shard. Immediately, a lot more blood than before started running out of my forehead.

The main doctor hurried to stitch and bandage my forehead. Lastly, he wiped the dried blood off with a damp cloth. 

"She's good to go, but make sure to keep the stitched clean. Don't let them get caught on anything or pulled out." He instructed.

"You still think she'll have a scar?" Jax asked.

"It's possible that she won't, but I wouldn't count on it." He warned.

"Thanks." I said to the doctor, who nodded with a small smile.

Jax went to pick me up again but I quickly hopped off the bed before he could, smiling slightly as he sighed.

Jax walked beside me as we headed to his car so he could drive me home. "Brooklyn?" He said.


"How'd you like to go to a party with me?" He asked.

I bit my lip. Parties weren't really my style, but if I'd be with Jax..."Sure, why not."

Jax smiled. "Get some sleep tonight. You'll need your energy."


Ooh. A party. What could go wrong?

So, I'm not sure about how exactly to have Brooklyn act. Terrified, because Jax was seriously scary and almost killed her, or the romanticish type person with Jax.

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