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Jax's POV

I let out a soft growl as I arrived at the given address and mind-linked my troops.

Listen up. No matter what, Brooklyn is not to be harmed. The main guy and anyone working with him are to be killed on sight. Be careful. You know your abilities and limitations, so keep those in mind. Move in.

I had my troops surrounding the building, ready to break in and fight. I was at the very front of the place, about to break down the door.

As soon as I finished mind-linking the troops, I rammed my shoulder into the door. It immediately flew off it's hinges and I growled as I walked in with my beta and other warriors behind me.

Enemy warriors swarmed forward, claws out. Most were in their wolf form. My wolves were trained to fight in human and wolf, so they were able to shift between and instantly begin fighting, regardless of what form they were in.

I snarled and threw two wolves into the stone wall before shoving another onto the ground. As an alpha, I was more powerful than these rouges.

Howls, snarls, growls, whines, whimpers, and yelps rose from the wolves gathered around. I let out my own growl as I slashed a wolf's throat.

We were winning with ease. These rouges were clearly untrained and unorganized, compared to my elite soldiers.

With minimal casualties, we turned to the dungeon where Brooklyn's scent was leading me. With my troops following, I carefully descended the staircase, ready for an attack.

What met me made a loud snarl erupt from my lips. Main Guy had a handgun against Brooklyn's head with his finger on the trigger. A clear threat. One I didn't doubt he'd follow through with.

Brooklyn whimpered softly, staring directly at me. Her eyes were full of terror and relief. I held her gaze, silently reassuring her that I wouldn't let anything happen, and turned to growl as Main Guy.

"Hmm, I never introduced myself, did I?" Main Guy said thoughtfully. 

"Nice to meet you, Alpha. I'm Jared." He smirked. "Too bad we couldn't meet officially under better terms."

"Too bad I really don't care who the heck you are. If you think you can make a pack out of rouges, you're dead wrong." I growled.

He shrugged. "That's not my concern right now. My concern is this handy gun I happen to have pointed at your girlfriend's head."

The g-word reminded me that I never actually got around to asking Brooklyn to officially be my girlfriend.

I'm such an idiot.

"Take another step and I'll shoot her." He warned, growling, as I inched forward. I snarled but stopped, my anger rising.

"So, let's chat, hmm? I want your pack, and you want your precious mate. Seems simple enough to me."

"I think you forgot something, actually." I said, remarkably calm for how black my eyes were.

"And that would be?" He asked cheerfully.

"You aren't the only one who brought guns." I smirked, right as a shot was fired.

Instead of Brooklyn going limp, this Jared guy slumped to the ground. Blood spilled from the back of his head as he laid still, with his eyes open and blank.

Much as I wanted to shred this guy to pieces, I rushed to Brooklyn. It was pretty easy to unclip her from the wires, and I used Jared's keys to unlock the cuffs. Brooklyn, physically unable to stand, collapsed into my arms.

I pressed my lips to hers immediately, supporting her weight as our lips danced for a second. I pulled back first to check her for injuries, letting out a small sigh when I didn't see any injuries. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Brooklyn worriedly, taking off my shirt and slipping it over her head. It was huge on her, but probably not very warm. She needed some blankets and clothes immediately.

"I'm okay." She said, resting her forehead on my chest while I held her up with my arms around her waist.

A second later she went limp, and I realized she was either unconscious or asleep. No matter what, I was definitely getting her checked by a doctor immediately.

I effortlessly carried her to the car and held her in my lap the entire way, not chilling to let her go. As if, should I set her down next to me, she'd be gone again. I stared at her the entire drive, playing with her hair.

Also, she looked hot in my clothes.

As she slept against my chest, I felt immense relief finally hit me. I had Brooklyn back. She was fine. I was fine. That Jared guy was dead. Brooklyn was safe. 

But was she really?

This could happen again at any time. Any day. 

It would be better for both of us if I ended things. People couldn't use her against me, and she wouldn't be tortured again.

She could actually be safe.

But could I? Could I manage to never see my mate again? To never touch her, hold her, kiss her? To never go further, to never make love? To never have her bare my children or help lead my pack? 

I couldn't. But maybe, just maybe, I could if I knew I had to. For her to be safe.


Oh nooooo!

I'm so sad 😭 

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Bai :)



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