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^ Brooklyn above (Dove Cameron) ^

I couldn't help but smile as I entered my apartment that I lived in with my boyfriend, Anthony. I had finally gotten the promotion I'd been working for! Blood, sweat, and tears went into my work and I was finally where I wanted to be - a high-level book critic.

I love books, and reading in general. I practically live on Wattpad. And now, I'm living the dream of having reading books be my career. I could not be happier right now, and all I wanted was to celebrate with my boyfriend.

I heard a noise from the bedroom and froze, the next moan confirming what I was hearing. I practically tiptoed over to our bedroom and cracked the door to confirm my thoughts.

I was right. But I what I hadn't expected was for my best friend to be the one helping my boyfriend cheat on me.

I shut the door behind me, letting out a breath. My boyfriend, the first person I ever loved, just cheated on me. Who knows how many times he's been doing it. And with my best friend!

My chest and lungs felt like someone was squeezing them. I couldn't breathe. My heart physically felt like it was tearing.

I rushed outside and sat on a bench in front of my apartment, trying to breath as a steady stream of tears fell down my face. I couldn't believe that this just happened.

Who knows how long he's been cheating on me. We've been together for three years and lived together for two. He was the person I went to when I was sad, happy, frustrated, angry, excited...and on and on. He was the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with.

But no. He's been secretly cheating on me this entire time. Was I not good enough for him? Not enough? Was I so bad he had to go to my best friend to get what he desired?

I shook my head at myself. I'm not the one at fault here, he is. I thought firmly, but it didn't stop the doubt clouding my mind. I took a deep breath, wiped my tears, and knew I was ready to confront him. I needed to confront him.

I walked into my apartment again to see that they were both clothed this time. It looked like Miranda, my best friend, was about to leave.

She froze when she saw me before letting out an awkward laugh. "Um, hey, Brooklyn, what are you..doing here?" She asked lamely, clearly flustered.

My so-called boyfriend looked emotionless, which almost made this worse.

"I live here. Care to explain what your doing here? Or, maybe, what you two did in my bed?" I asked calmly.

Miranda's eyes widened. "Uh- what? W-What do you mean?" She stuttered, while Anthony looked like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"I think you know exactly what I mean, Miranda." I spat. "How long has this been going on?"

Anthony spoke for the first time, "It hasn't. Nothing's been going on. Why are you so suspicious? We didn't do anything, don't you trust me?"

I scoffed. "Nothing? Suspicious? I came home from work, excited to celebrate my promotion with you, just to hear a sound that was suspiciously similar to a moan. So, I opened the bedroom door to confirm my suspicions to see you two, naked as the day you came into this world, doing the deed." 

I'll be honest, I was slightly out of breath from that, but that just made me angrier. How dare he try and make me the bad guy.

"So, I repeat, how long has this been going on?" 

Anthony shrugged. "Months. Normally at her place, but she came to see me today."

I could feel the remainder of my heart cracking. It felt like someone was hitting the pieces with a hammer. I didn't expect this. "Why?" I whispered. Stupid as it may be, I had to know.

"I never loved you." He said honestly, without me having to put up a fight for answers. "I was using you for your body, and you're an idiot for not realizing. But you weren't good enough, so I turned to Miranda."

Using me?

I inhaled though my nose, willing myself to not cry. Crying would be horrible. 

"I hate you." I ground out, trying to become angry again. I'd rather be angry than cry over this...

There isn't a bad enough word for him, honestly.

Anthony shrugged, clearly not caring, and Miranda came up to me. "Please, Brook, I'm so sorry! Anthony told me-"

"Cut the crap." I snapped, interrupting her. Miranda only called me Brook when she was lying, flustered, or upset. Apparently, I know her well enough to know when she's lying, but not helping my ex cheat. Great.

"Miranda, get out. You too, Anthony." I snapped. Suddenly, I realized how stupid I was. Anthony moved in with me two years ago when he was fired. He made a show of trying to find a new job, but clearly wasn't. He was using me for my body and money. That lying scoundrel.

"I have as much right to this apartment as you do." Anthony snapped. 

"Do you pay the bills? I didn't think so. Get. Out." I hissed.

"Fine, but don't come crawling back to me!" Anthony snapped, raising his voice. I rolled my eyes - I'd just about anything, honestly.

Anthony packed his stuff quickly while Miranda and I stood there awkwardly before he and Miranda left together. Shortly after he left, I collapsed on the couch - I was never getting on that bed again - and cried myself to sleep.


Hello, amazing people! Welcome to my newest book!

Note: There will be zero smut. Just a heads up.

I do not own ANY images in this book.

Copywrite notice: I own this, and it is MINE. I wrote this book and every single word in it. All characters are a figment of my imagination. Im sorry ahead of time if anything is offensive, tell me and I'll change it. Don't steal my book - DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, I WILL DECAPITATE YOU - and don't steal my ideas, characters, places, plot, etc. I WILL FIND YOU!

Anyways, have a wonderful day 😊 

(But first, please vote, comment, and follow me. Thanks!)


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