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^ Jax

Brooklyn's POV - 1 Month Later -

"Mom? Dad?" I called, closing the door behind me and dragging my suitcases in behind me.

The past month has been the worst one of my life. First, my boyfriend cheated on me. Then, he stole all MY money from our joint checking accounts and is now living with Miranda. Lastly, I was fired from my job for 'Being late too often' when I wasn't even an entire minute late. I have zero doubt that my ex was behind that. He's good at getting what he wants.

So, now, I was living with my parents in Kansas now. I hadn't gotten a job yet, so I was preparing for interviews.

"Brooklyn!" My mom cried, rushing forward to hug me. I chuckled and dropped my bags to hug her back. "It's been too long." My mom added, leaning back to look me over.

"Hi mom, good to see you." I said, smiling widely. My mom had more gray hair - almost her entire head of hair was gray now - and more wrinkles. But she was still the same mom that I happened to have not seen in three years.

"I can't believe you live here." I gushed, glancing around the house. It was an adorable cottage that could easily fit my parents and myself, plus a couple guests if necessary without becoming cramped.

The house had an open floor plan, with the kitchen, dining room, and living room all in one space. Off to the side was a small hallway that led to the master bedroom, my old bedroom that I'd be staying in, and a bathroom. There was also a small upstairs that was a guest bedroom.

"Where's dad?" I asked as I took my suitcases to my room.

"Oh - he's dealing with some wild animals." My mom explained, and I raised an eyebrow. 

"He's doing that alone? He's almost seventy! He could hurt himself, or get rabies or something." I said worriedly. It wouldn't be the first time his back gave out.

"Don't worry, they aren't a big deal." My mom said, but now I was curious.

"What are they? Raccoons? Foxes? Opossums?" I asked as I entered my room. It looked the exact same: light purple wallpaper and sheets, two bookshelves filled with my favorites, a dresser and small connecting closet, and a chalkboard. 

"Wolves, actually." My mom casually, and I froze.

"Wha- wolves?! He's dealing with wolves?! Alone?!" I gasped, wondering where I could find animal control's number.

"Don't worry about him, he's fine!" My mom insisted.

"If he comes back even slightly injured, promise me you won't him go out alone again to 'deal with them?" I practically begged, knowing how stubborn my mom was. She wasn't going to let me interfere, so I wasn't going to try...more than doing this.

"Sure, sure." My mom agreed, unconcerned. My curiosity spiked again, bringing new questions, but I stayed silent for now.

"I'll leave you to unpack." My mom said, closing my door behind her.


"Dad! Your home!" I gasped, rushing forward to hug him before pulling back and looking him over, exactly as my mother had done when I'd walked in.

"Are you hurt?!" I asked, not seeing any visible wounds.

"Healthy as a horse." He said with a light chuckle. "You take after your mother, y'know."

"I get my creativity and passion for reading from you, though." I said with a smile. 

"True. Now, tell about this ex of yours. Should I beat him up myself or hire a hitman?" He joked. My dad is the type of guy to never hurt a fly, and he's always joking around...even if his jokes are terrible.

"A hitman works, it'd be a pain to travel that far." I said with a laugh. "What happened with those wolves?"

"Oh, your mother told you about that?" He asked with a glance at her. "It was nothing much, they were just coming too close to humans."

" dealt with this by yourself? You couldn't gotten hurt! And, plus, it's not like they understand you, so how did you keep them away?"

"Oh! Um...I have my ways." He said with a faked grin.


Reading has changed me, honestly. I became more suspicious of weird things and more set on finding my 'one true love' and 'soulmate.'

Yes, I'm a romance fanatic. Sue me. I also love fantasy and fiction. Sci-fi, too. 

"Hm..." I said, definitely not believing him. Something suspicious was going on.

"Let's eat!" My mom called from the kitchen. I'd been helping her make the food and only just took a break to greet my dad. Three years is wayyyy too long.

The food was delicious, and my parents and I used the time to chat about different things in my life. I tried to keep the conversation away from my ex as much as possible, not wanting to delve deeper into that. I refused to shed another tear over that scumbag.

After dinner, I walked out back and sat on the porch swing. It was so quiet and peaceful here...very different from New York. 

Directly outside of the cottage was the forest. It was too dark outside for me to see very far into the dense trees, but I did notice a shadow-like figure moving.

I inhaled and quickly stood up, backing up slowly toward the door. I'd read way too many books to stay out here like an idiot, or call out to them. If it was a person, they would have announced their presence.

I stayed silent, not wanting to provoke the creature, and it stepped forward. I couldn't make out details, but it was the size of a car.

Oh goodness, someone help me.

I didn't want to turn my back to it, and I groped behind me for the door handle. It only took me a second to find it before I opened the door and dashed inside, shutting and locking it behind me.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled, hurrying to their room. 

The door opened and my mom stepped out. "Hm?"

"There was a huge creature outside! It was the size of a freaking car!" I said, my heart racing. "I thought it was going to kill me so I ran inside."

"Did you see it clearly?" She questioned, not seeming concerned in the slightest.

"No, it was too dark. Shouldn't we call animal control or something? That thing seriously could have stepped on me."

"Nah, it won't bother you. Go to sleep, don't worry about it."

Yeah, believe it or not, that didn't reassure me. That thing was massive, and wayyy too close to the house for comfort.

I went to my room and laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling for most of the night as I imagined every single sound was a rabid animal breaking in. It didn't help when a loud howling came from the woods around midnight.

Safe to say I barely got any sleep that night.


And...she's met...a shadowy figure the size of a car. You all probably know what it is, though.

So, did you enjoy? Hooked yet? Liking the book? (Please say yes 🥺)


Alright, I'm done. Baiii, beautiful people 😘 


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