Chappie 25

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Hiya! Finally Chappie 25! And, I was just wondering how long this book will be.. Hmm... Maybe 33 chappies? Maybe 40?? Just ignore me, continue reading chappie 25!

Third Person POV

In the last chappie, Yumiko had a little talk with her mom in the morning, while Momoko was walking to class without Miyako nor Kaoru beside her, while walking to school, a thief snatched her bag, but luckily, Ikuto was there to stop the thief and hand over her school bag, and it seems that he has a plan up his sleeves... Let's see how they're doing!

Momoko rushed passed the people, she really needed a lift right now. But, one thing was on her mind, "Why did Ikuto help her?"

'He has been a jerk to me for the last few days, and yet.. He helped me out? Ugh, I just can't understand that guy....' Momoko thought, she then realozed that she was late.

"I'M GONNA BE LATE!" She yelled as she started running, not caring if people were staring at her.

To the school.

Momoko arrived 5 minutes late, when she entered the school gate, she saw Ikuto too, but ignored him and rushed to the classroom.

When she reached the classroom, she came in panting while Ikuto entered the classroom after her.

Ms. Keene looked at them, "Both of you are 5 minutes late.. Care to explain why?" She asked in a stern voice.

Momoko panted a few seconds before explaining everuthing to her teacher and classmates. Ikuto also explained why he was late, the others gasped when they heard but he just shrugged it off.

Luckily, Ms. Keene was a kind teacher, so she understand their reasons.

She gave a small nod and smiled, "Be careful next time Momoko..." she said.

Momoko nodded while Ikuto just stood there, she told them to take a seat so that class can start.

After many hours of classes, the bell finally rang, it was lunch time already.

"Class is dismissed.." Ms. Hijiri said and gave a smile before leaving the classroom.

Momoko, Miyako and Kaoru went to Yumiko.

"Hi Yumiko-san!" Miyako said, smiling at her.

Yumiko was a bit startled a bit by Miyako's approach but shook it off.

"Hi..." She said.

"So you really are Mystical Butterfly?" Momoko whispered in Yumiko's ear. Yumiko looked at Momoko with an emotionless face and nodded.

The girls said "Oh.." in unison.

Before Yumiko was gonna say something, her phone suddenly rang, she took it out and answered the call.

"Yes Mom?...... Alright alright........ I will.... Love ya..."

Yumiko then ended the call.

"Was that your mom Yumiko-chan?" Miyako asked.

Yumiko sighed and nodded, "She told me to invite 6 friends to a party at Saturday..." Yumiko said, "And, I only made friends with you guys.." she added.

"Sooo that means we can come?" Momoko asked, getting a bit excited. Yumiko smiled a bit and nodded.

Momoko jumped in joy, "Yay! That means shopping!!" Momoko squealed.

Miyako giggled at Momoko's reaction while Kaoru shivered in disgust, she hated wearing dresses.

"But the problem is... I need 3 more people.." Yumiko said.

"Watcha girls up to?" A voice asked.

Yumiko turned her head to the right side to see Kaizo's head on her shoulder. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked.

Ikuto appeared behind Momoko, Mikoto appeared behind Miyako while Kai appeared behind Kaoru, Kai wrapped his arms around Kaoru's but Kaoru slapped them away.

Yumiko growled at Kaizo, hoping that he would leave, but didn't budge at all.

"My mom told me to invite 6 people to a party this Saturday..." Yumiko said bluntly.

"Ooo~ Sounds fun~" Kai said.

"If you guys are asking for an invitation then you can have it.." Yumiko said and left the classroom quickly.

"Wait Yumiko!" Momoko yelled as she followed her behind. Miyako and Kaoru followed as well.

This will be one heck of a week.


Yumiko, Momoko, Miyako and Kaoru arrived at the cafeteria. Like always, it was packed with students. They got trays and picked what they wanted to eat, once they finished, they were seated at the right corner of the cafeteria.

While finishing their food, they had a little chat.

"Soo Momoko~ Ikuto helped you out this morning?" Yumiko asked, smirking at her.

Momoko suddenly blushed, 'Why the heck am I blushing?!' She thought as she felt her face grew hot.

"Y-Yeah.. He helped me out..." Momoko said, fiddling with her fingers.

"I knew it.." Yumiko said as she plopped a french fry in her mouth.

Miyako giggled and said, "I think Ikuto likes you Momoko.." She said.

Momoko's face was now as red as a tomatoe, "T-That's n-not possible Miyako!" Momoko exclaimed.

"You know, it could be true Momoko... Ikuto might like you..." Kaoru said, agreeing with Miyako.

"Let's not talk about that.." Momoko said as her blushing face slowly vanished, she then turned to Miyako while grinning, "Let's talk about Miyako and Mikoto.." Yumiko and Kaoru raised an eyebrow and exchanged glances

Miyako's face grew hotter, "What a-about me and him?" She slightly stuttered. When Yumiko and Kaoru saw her face getting hotter, they knew what Momoko was talking about.

"So you like Mi~Ko~To?" Yumiko sang.

"I-I think h-he's a nice guy and all.. b-but I'm not sure if I like him..." Miyako said, slightly whispering the last part.

Momoko looked at Miyako, she took a sip of her orange juice before talking, "Don't tell me you're still into Taka-chan!" Momoko exclaimed.

"Me and Taka-chan are just friends.." Miyako said.

"Phew! I was worried their for a second.." Momoko said, Miyako raused an eyebrow at Momoko but shrugged it off.

'I'll make my OTP canon someday!' Momoko thought.

The girls continued to chat and eat until the bell rang again, signalling both students and teachers that lunch time was over.

The girls got their trash and threw it in the trash can.

Once they finished, they headed towards their classroom. But what they didn't know was 4 certain boys overheard their conversation at lunchtime.

The End

Finally! Finished chappie 25! X3 I'm soo proud of myself and ohmehgerd .... 3 000+ views?! Thank you so much you beautiful and fabulous nekos! And, you guys are probably wondering where did Dexter go... Well, that my nekos will be revealed later on in the story... 'til next time my nekos!

Stay fabulous!


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